Here are the best deals at Albertsons this week. The Albertsons ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Albertsons deals, including a printable list feature, here.
Red Potatoes (15 lb) on sale $4.99
Essential Everyday Chunk or Shredded Cheese (6-8 oz) on sale $1.59 with weekly ad coupon – limit 6
Essential Everyday Cream Cheese (8 oz) on sale $1
Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip (5 oz) on sale $1
Use $.75/1 coupon from 3/9 SS insert
$.25 after coupon
California Pizza Kitchen Personal Pizza (5.5-6.2 oz) on sale $3
Use $1.50/1 coupon
$1.50 after coupon
Green Giant Box Vegetables (7-10 oz) on sale $1
Buy 3
Use $.60/3 coupon from 1/5 SS insert
$.80 each after coupon
Dannon Oikos, Light & Fit or Activia Yogurt (5.3 oz) on sale $1
Buy 4
Use $1/4 coupon – direct link
$.75 each after coupon
Yoplait Go-Gurt (8 pk) on sale $2
Use $1/1 coupon (NLA)
$1 after coupon
Kraft Mix or Match Sale: Buy 4 participating products, Save $2 instantly
*See weekly ad for all participating products. Prices listed reflect the $.50 per item savings. Remember, you must purchase 4 participating items to get the instant savings.
Oscar Mayer P3 (2 oz) on sale $1.49
Use $.75/1 coupon – direct link
$.74 each after coupon & sale
Velveeta Skillet Dinners (8.9-15.66 oz) on sale $1.99
Use $1/1 coupon from 2/23 SS insert$.99 after coupon & sale
Planters Flavored Peanuts (6 oz) on sale $1.29
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link
$.29 after coupon & sale
New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing here.
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I found the Mayo/Miracle Whip in my store. I bought them out. No one else was buying them… I waited and waited…. so today I took home 40 of them. Its perfect since we don’t eat it often. Little size is great so we aren’t wasting a huge bottle now!
If you don’t want 15 lbs of red taters, Winco has 5-pounders for $1.98.
I think this ad runs thru the 18th, not the 16th.
I couldn’t find the miracle whip on sale for a $1 at the battle ground albertsons
The one in salmon creek did not have them on sale either. They did stock them and I saw them on the shelf! just not for $1.
If you find them for $1, it will be a miracle.
I tried the link for dannon oikos yogurt and I dont find it.
I saw a buy one get two free on arm and hammer laundry soap. Did any one try this deal with the mfc for $1.50 off two? I know before it worked for $1/1 and using 3 of them. So applied to the free ones.
The Planter Flavored Peanuts coupon say “Redeemable at Walmart”. Check your Albertsons store for redeemability. The NW 185th at West Union store has denied me before.