Oh, come to mama! Amber at Coupon Connections found the official Albertsons coupon policy. Here are the highlights:
:: Albertsons accepts one manufacturer’s coupon and one store coupon per item. This means they will not accept a weekly ad coupon with an Albertsons double coupon one one item (two store coupons).
:: Albertsons will adjust the value of a manufacturer’s coupon down to not exceed the price of an item. This means you cannot make money using a $2/1 coupon on an item that is priced at $1.79.
:: Albertsons DOES allow manufacturer coupons that state they cannot be ‘doubled’ to be used in conjunction with a Twice the Value store coupon (Albertsons double coupon). Booyah! This means that they should be doubling all your “Do Not Double” coupons, including internet printable and blinkie coupons.
:: Albertsons will allow you to do three transactions back-to-back, but they do request that you get in the line again if you want to do more. I assume this rule will allow you to do three doubles transactions in one shopping trip.
:: Albertsons will allow you to use one manufacturer coupon per item even if one coupon says FREE or there is a Buy One Get One promotion
As with all store coupon policies, I strongly suggest you print this policy in color and keep it with you in your coupon organization box/binder. If you do have to use it, remember to be nice. If you have a problem with a store following the policy, I strongly suggest you contact Albertsons’ corporate office and politely ask for their assistance. Albertsons is very receptive to customer service issues.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
I sent my mother a couple of manufacture coupons on “FREE” ANY 1 Arm & Hammer laundry product, NO MAX VALUE & NO EXPIRATION DATE.
My mother just got home from shopping at Albertson’s in Lewistown, MT and said that the managers there told her they WON’T accept them because they don’t have an expiration date on them.
I have read Albertson’s coupon policy and do not see anything regarding NON-ACCEPTANCE of a coupon with NO expiration…
She’s going to take them to Walmart instead…I just like to know….
what’s the deal with Albertson’s? Did they change hands & policy there?
Thank you
Patricia, Can you please provide information as to what you found out about the extreme couponing show. web links would be appreciated and any other sources you came across.
I have been couponing for about 6 months and the only store I have a problem with is Safeway I use store coupon with manufacture and there computer tries to only give me one cent credit so I always have to point it out to them and they try to tell me I cannot combine them, I also did a bit or research on that extreme couponing show and that is rigged, look it up for yourself. I still will coupon because I do save alot of money you just have to watch the sales and use your coupons on only sales items.
This post is old but wanted to say Albertson’s does not have a universal couponing policy. It varies by store and region. You have to ask in person before checkout. I always do.
Here is the link to the actual Albertsons coupon policy as of 2/4/2013. My wife and I got stiffed when we were told we couldn’t use coupons on items that were already on sale with our preferred customer card (10 items for $10). She attempted to make a spectacle of us and took 45 minutes to ring up $300 in groceries (before sales and coupons). We don’t humiliate to easily. We’ll have more coupons and the policy in hand on our next visit 🙂
Woops… almost forgot the link!
Albertsons aheres to ALL mfr guidlines
you might want to actually read their policy dude…it says they double “do not double” coupons……..because they are doubling it, not the manufacture.
Uh YOU might want to read the policy DUDE. Policy varies by store and region DUDE.
” (Albertsons double coupon). Booyah! This means that they should be doubling all your “Do Not Double” coupons, including internet printable and blinkie coupons.”
@Heather jones- apperently you have never been to southern California Everything is expenisve there’s only like two market stores that offer double coupons n so on. I’m new at this and boy is it hard to get that deal, I dnt have a printer so I relay only on the Sunday paper. Is there anyone that can help me
I am extremely confused on doubling coupons. I read somewhere that some stores will automatically double mf coupons under a dollar. I called albertsons and they confused me even more! I just need some clarification. I am new to couponing maybe thats why I am so confused, but I would like to understand to assure I am getting the best deal possible! Thanks
So how do all these people on extreme couponing do it? how do they get all these transactions for free or rack up a bill for hundreds of dollars and only pay a tiny percent of that? I’m a stay at home mom so i would like to learn all the tricks and save money.
do you know how many twice value coupons i can use in one transaction?
Hi! I’m fairly new to couponing and I can’t seem to figure out when/what paper(s) have the Albertson’s ads (and double coupon) in it. I live in the Corvallis, OR area. Can someone help me out? I’ve purchased the Sunday Oregonian but it’s not located in that.
Tonight my albys told me that they did not take cpns from other stores even if the cpn said manufacture cpn on it. Can someone clarify the policy ob this for me. Also, they refused to double my one dollar off cpn on an item bc it would have made a one cent overage. However they did for my friend one lane over and in the past they have just adjusted down thr price for me. So, what is the official policy on that? Thanks for this site and all the wonderful information you provide.
Thanks for the deals! Albertsons is a great company, but like many nationwide businesses it can have some weak spots. I was surfing the internet and I found this site where people can vent about poor customer service or products they received… it can get really funny. I would recommend you to check it out here.
I am very excited to say that my whole family are moving to Beaverton Oregon from Southern California. You folks are very fortunate to have multiple stores that accepts dbl coupons. I live in Hemet California, we used to have Albertsons but they closed so all we have left is Vons that double coupons for up to $1.00. The thing is they are so restricted and more expensive than the local Stater Brothers store in town. Plus we have to pay sales tax here in this state. I’m getting out here because people are so much nicer in Oregon.
Well, we’re glad you’re here and we’re glad that you’ve found us. We think we’re nicer too. 🙂
thank you so much for posting this. i was denied the use of my $2.00 of dial coupon at albertsons because the coupon exceeded the value of the purchase. i explained that they just needed it to match the price of the lotion and no overage, but they knew better. now i am armed with the policy next time this happens…
How do you know what days a store let’s you double coupons???
I cant seem to print the policy any ideas how to do it?
Albertsons is a great place to shop and the employees are wonderful. For as much couponing as I do and have seen other people as well, its not a bad idea to contact a grocery manager and preorder what you want within that ad, so it ensures you will get what you need and not have to battle others over product.
So i have the coupons for free burritos (15 to be exact), i don’t understand what the policy on that is…can someone translate?? thanks!
How do I find the albertsons doubler coupons? new to large scale couponing please help
So if there are the doubler coupons, how many coupons can be doubled at once? If I have multiple of one kind of coupon, will Albertsons double all of those one coupon – and then double other multiple coupons?
How many total coupons will they double in a single transaction?
My Albertsons here in Battle Ground WA has been letting us do 3 transactions with 3 doubles each, until today. Now they say only 3 doubles per family per week. Can they do this? The coupon says right on it, ‘3 per transaction’ not ‘3 per family per week’.
I was at the Albertsons on 185th and Farmington yesterday, and was using 2 coupons for a BOGO item. (one coupon per item) The assistant store manager was helping me, and told me that I couldn’t use that coupon, or double it because it would be like she was paying me $1.50(amount after double). I was very nice and told her that I had the coupon policy right there and if she needed a refresher on it I would be more than happy to let her look at it. I also told her that Shaun the store director had told me I was ok to do this, and it was not against policy. As soon as I gave her this information she was like well I will do it it’s only $1.50. The person behind me said good, because I have my coupon policy with me, and am doing the same thing. I couldn’t figure out why she felt like arguing with the customer. I did go ahead and send and email about this person, and told them that maybe before putting someone in that position they should be better trained. I usually see a certain checker at our store, but his line was so long, and I didn’t have time to wait, next time I guess I will.
The Albertson’s here in Lacey seemed very unfriendly toward couponers. At least the night shift female cashier. She got agitated when she saw the coupons and informed me that I could only do a total of 3 transactions with the doublers because her line would get long. This was at 10pm at night. I told her that there was no one in the store, and she said she would do it “this one time.” She proceeded to humm and hahhh and sigh and gasp in disgust. Then she kept asking how much more I had (I had 8 transactions). Another shopper was being taken care of by another cashier with about the same amount of transactions and had no problem, he was so nice and courteous. I won’t be shopping at that Albertson’s again.
I’m curious about the using two coupons on a BOGO sale as well. I saw that Marissa commented on this, but I’m just not sure how to go about proving that corporate “says it is ok” at the store if it is not in their coupon policy. Is it store to store or cashier to cashier? It basically cost me $4 today because I had 2 $1/1 coupons that were going to be doubled.
We have not been regular Albertsons shoppers as most of them have been bought out by Associated Foods in Utah. How do you get their double coupon offers?
The double coupons are available in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Utah might not be a participating market.
Thank you!
does anyone know how many coupons can be use in one transaction?
You can use as many coupons as you want in a transaction. You can only use 3 double coupons in a transaction if Albertsons has released their Twice the Value (aka. double) coupons.
Just some FYI as there are new couponers coming by the day now…Albertson’s in CA DO NOT DOUBLE OR TRIPLE coupons and some stores do not have the preferred card either. This is from the Asst. Manager at my favorite Albertson’s who are kind enough to let me do as many transactions as I would like without getting out of line. I try, because they are so kind to be in there as soon as they open, and, I always let someone in front of me if need be…..
My friend was told in our local (Medford) Albertsons that they will be allowing us to use up to 9 Twice the Value coupons in one transaction. I guess they got tired of seeing us come through line or breaking up the transactions! 😉
I am confused. When can you do the doubling on the manufacture coupons? Is this anytime? Or only certain sales? Im looking at there current sales for coupons now as they have buy one get one free sales right now. Can you double manufacture coupons with this?
Kate, I have emailed it to you.
Thank you. 🙂
Hello fellow couponers. I would like to let you know that the Albertson’s coupon policy / PDF listed above appears to be different then the online and in-store version. For example, this caption:
“Coupons that exceed the retail value of an item will be adjusted to provide the maximum value, not exceeding the price of the item.”
The reason I am mentioning this is because today my husband and I went into the Hall and Greenway Albertson’s in Beaverton and went to use a coupon for a product that was on sale for $2.49. We have Manufacture Coupons good for $3 off. When we went to the check out, we were informed that we could not use the Manufacture Coupons because they exceed the value of the product. We let the Cashier know that all she would need to do is adjust the Manufacture Coupon down to equal the cost of the product. She said that if they take the Manufacture Coupon for less than the stated value, that it would not be honored for reimbursement from the Manufacturer. Unfortunately, we did not bring a printed coupon policy with us, so we went to our vehicle and pulled it up on our phone, as well as I contacted Customer Service to express my concern. While I was on the phone with Customer Service, my husband went back inside Alberston’s to show the Cashier the coupon policy. The Cashier and the Store Manager, Randy, pulled out a copy of the coupon guidelines which exempted the above caption. They were now stating that they would get reimbursed for the Manufacture Coupon, but it would be like they were committing coupon fraud to the Manufacture. In the end, they stood by the fact that they policy does not allow adjusts to Manufacture Coupons. Customer Care on the other hand, seems to disagree and agrees with the above caption to adjust the Manufacture Coupon accordingly. The Customer Care Representative that I spoke to, Katie, mentioned she will be emailing me personally tomorrow a copy of the Albertson’s coupon policy.
I just personally want to let all of the fellow couponers know of this situation with this particular Albertson’s and how I personally feel that it should not be the customer’s job to know stores policies and that the stores themselves should! I doubt I will be continuing shopping at this Alberston’s. I would rather go to a further location than deal with these issues.
Thanks for letting us know. Will you email us the policy when you get it? We’d love to have a look at it too. frugallivingonline{at}gmail{dot}com
I posted eariler cashiers do not know what to do with coupons most of the time so policies do not always matter. We had the free milk thing at Alberstons up to 4.50 and the milk was only 2.99 and we got the rest of the money towards our other food. I know in CA they WILL NOT give you money back though if you are extreme with your couponing 😉
I am not understand the coupon rules for Albertsons..Can someone explain, mostly the double and triple coupons? Where do you find these and how do you know what they will double?? I am trying Albertsons out, I usually go to WD and their coupon rules seem a lot easier…thx
This might help answer some of your questions. http://www.frugallivingnw.com/coupons-rebates/the-ultimate-guide-to-couponing-in-the-northwest-know-the-coupon-strategies-double-coupons/
Thank you so much for making this available to us. I, too, go to the different Albertsons in and around Beaverton/Hillsboro and have not had a problem in recent months with any of them accepting and doubling manufacturer coupons stating “do not double.” My issue has been with them not allowing coupons valued above $1.00 to be used in conjuction with their double coupons. The wording on their double coupons makes it sound as if they will double each coupon up to $1.00 (hence, a $0.55 coupon would double for a total savings of $1.10; a $1.00 would double for a total savings of $2.00). So why is it that they will not allow you to “double” a coupon valued above $1.00 for the maximum value of $1.00 (a $1.25 coupon would then be worth $2.25; a $3.00 coupon would then be worth $4.00)? If they are being reimbursed for the manufacturer’coupons, wouldn’t they still be out a maximum of $3.00 for three double coupons, whether the three manufacturer coupons were worth a combined value of $3.00 or more?
Yes that is kinda a funny restriction-would be to their benefit actually!
About a year ago I called corperate about using two coupons on BOGO.
They got back with me right away andtold me, yes two Q’s are allowed so long as the value
of items purchased was not exceeded. I don’t see anything in this new policy about BOGO.
Does anyone know since my info might be outdated?
Off topic, I just got back from Walmart and got denied using 3 Q’s for fabric softener (Gain).
He said the coupon reads one coupon per purchase, so he’d only allow one.
I rarely shop Walmart, but HUH??
I told him I am purchasing 3 Gain’s, hence 3 Q’s.
He said I need to get back in line again……I almost did just to spite him, but I’ll just use the coupon’s elsewhere.
Oh, that is too funny…or sad! 😉 Where’s the logic in that?
Go to Rite Aid-they won’t do that to you! and they will mark coupons down -seems like I got some free Gains fabric softener that way recently.
HA, years ago at the Tualatin Kmart, they had a good sale on bars of soap, so I got like 35 bars (still have some..it was Irish Spring). The cashier gave me the same crap that I could only use one coupon per purchase. I argued that it meant one coupon per bar of soap purchased. So I insisted that each one was a separate sale and stood there while they rang each one up separately….TALK ABOUT STUPID.
My store in Hillsboro is great-they have always doubled “do not double” coupons-without any hesitations.
Now my rant on Walgreens-which I already was not happy with since they started the card & took away most of our Register Reward deals!
Today I did go in to get the free Pediacare with coupon-it was 1.99 and my coupon was for $2.00-the register beeped loudly and she told me it was because it was over the amount-I said yes, you just mark it down-she informed me their new system does not allow for that!! I said they used to (actually think I did it a few days ago-I had the $3 coupon and bought a .99 and 1.99 item). She was very rude & told me it was coupon fraud-I said Rite Aid does it-she said that is why they are going bankrupt and I replied they told me that coupons were making their store very successful!! So I just told her to put it back.
I AM SO DONE WITH Walgreens!!
I did already send them a comment-that they have totally lost a very loyal customer to Rite Aid since they started the card system. Think I will send them another one. It is ridiculous to refuse to mark a coupon down by .01-they could also make their items even amounts instead of the .99!!
I think everyone in the Portland Metro area should complain to Walgreens Corp about their stupid rewards card AND THEN STOP shopping there for a month– see if Walgreens gets the clue that their rewards card is nothing but a waste of time.
It sickens me to see the register rewards given to the same products in other states that are not allowed in the PDX Metro area any longer– their rewards points don’t even match up to the amt a person would get in a register reward.
I haven’t stepped foot in a Walgreens but 1 time in 5 months— I like Rite Aid much better– plus the people at Rite Aid are nicer in my opinion.
The Rite Aid staff – at every single store I’ve been to in Oregon are TOTALLY coupon friendly! Ok, I’ve only been to 3 stores – lol – but still – it is such a relief after some of the sketchy treatment received elsewhere.
On the note about Walgreens- I have a friend who worked for Walgreens. She said if you are couponing at Walgreens, go to the one on 82nd and Holgate. She said they brag at their regional meetings about how many couponers they have. Of course, they still have to go by their policy’s but they love it when couponers go in, so they won’t treat us like criminals!
Charolyn – Out of curiosity – did you purchase anything besides the Pediacare?
I just got 2 canned mandarin oranges on sale for .50 & a toy for 2.17 that was about 75% off. And I agree Rite Aid is much nicer. I did send Walgreens another comment about now not marking down their coupons.
Jessica-I sure hope Rite Aid doesn’t go bankrupt-my store did tell me the couponers and their coupon money is really making their store successful (they are the best in the area of stocking for sales too). Also I try to get all my friends to go there!
A friend I work with is an avid stock watcher and very smart on this sort of thing, her husband has worked at the corporate level for a few different companies. Anyway, she has told me that Rite Aid will probably be bankrupt by the end of summer.
I am totally onboard with you about Walgreen’s. And not only about the couponing aspect. I work in a doctors office, and whenever I have sent an rx in for a patient, they screw it up EVERYTIME!!! And that is to the 3 Walgreen’s I have sent to here in Oregon, and one in Palm Springs even!! Walgreens is a crappy store all around.
I ran into the same issue with Walgreens. I had the Walgreens coupon for $3 off and mfr coupon for $5 off the Tylenol Precise cream & because the item was $7.99 the coupons wouldn’t go through the register because they don’t allow coupons to pay any portion of the tax. So I had to also purchase a 29 cent pack of tissues in order for the coupons to go through. So if you have this problem with being one or two pennies over the cost of the item, just grab the cheapest item you can find & add it on to the sale. It was my experience that they either can’t or won’t override coupon amounts.
I am also pretty done with Walgreens….this started summer of 2009 I think. They were giving me crap for bringing in coupons I printed on the net, talking about fraud, etc. One lady had come in with photocopied coupons for Pampers and bought a cartful and I think they caught her and declined to take all her “fake” coupons. So they thought everybody who printed one was like this one abuser. They were so scrutinizing about everything I tried to buy that I just gave up shopping for their deals. PLUS they are always out of their deals because they have a certain ethnic group line up on Sunday mornings and buy out all their free or nearly free items. These items, according to Walgreens, are sent to overseas relatives. They short-order and are almost always out of their deals, including school supply items for years on end. It is so hard to come out with anything there that I rarely buy anything anymore. I told the managers that if they did not get reimbursed for the coupons I use there, that they could tell me and I’d reimburse them if they felt they got cheated (I knew that would not happen as I do not photocopy the internet printed coupons). It is all just so frustrating.
QUOTE: “This means they will not accept a weekly ad coupon with an Albertsons double coupon on one item (two store coupons).”
Hmmmm…Interesting…That is news to me. I’ve never heard of that before. I don’t just mean at Albertson’s – I mean at any store.
So I guess this past week when I used the in-store coupon, plus the man coupon plus the doubler to get my 1 bag of sweet potato fries free, I cheated Alb’s. Unintentionally, of course, since I had no idea this is the policy.
Kind of weird…
Now a question – Do all Albertsons’ follow the corporate policy or are each store allowed some flexibility?
The policy does not include a “coupon acceptance is at manager’s discretion” clause like most stores do (like Safeway), so I don’t think managers get to make their own rules at Albertsons.
Interesting – thanks. I guess Albertson’s must do enough business off of people with higher incomes that they can ignore people who are looking for deals.
The Albertsons that is at 185th & West Union in Portland, OR (bordering Beaverton) actually restricts down to one transaction. The manager has actually placed a hand written sign that states this and says it is up to her discretion and told me that anything above that would be coupon abuse. Its a crazy system out there. I try to be polite and curteous but it would be helpful as a consumer if all of the managers were on the same page with their corporate office.
I live in Salem and I only have one Albertson’s, but they allow 3 transactions at a time. if you have more than that to do, you can either circle back around and get into line again or take your groceries to your car and then start all over. two sundays ago they started enforcing the ‘3 transactions at a time’ unbeknownst to myself and another lady that was shopping there with coupons. both of us were griped at and talked down to by a cashier and a manager for the amount of doubles and coupons we intended to use. I figure it is more important to stay strong and take care of my family the best i know how (since I was recently laid off from marie callendars and was the only financial provider) than let a couple of grumpy employees get to me. I’m always ready to defend myself if need be.
Honestly if the computer is not stopping it the cashiers have NO clue what is aloud and not aloud. California is horrible when it comes to couponing but I have been able to do store weeking as coupon with my manufacuter coupon and the double coupon. The cashier and I both kind of look at the computer and wait to see if it works LOL 😉 I am new to this so I try anything!!
I live in Beaverton, Oregon and my local Albertsons (I have 5 that I go to) are restricting 3 transactions in one visit. That is why I go to 5 stores. I personally think this is a rediculous policy. Oregon is one of the most expensive states to live in and one of the worst for couponing. Only Albertsons, Safeway and Bales Thriftway double (usually a couple of times a month). Why is couponing/doubling so restricted? It seems Oregon stores are very much against couponing. If Oregon stores would allow for more couponing and doubles I would take all of my business to them and encourage others to do the same however with such heavy restrictions in play, I must spread my business out to get the best value.
I think the couponing/doubling is purposely restricted, because most people won’t do what you do – visit multiple stores.
Albertson’s is a publicly traded company (under the Supervalu chain). As a publicly traded company, they have to provide a profit to investors, otherwise their stock will go down in value.
The challenge with that is that additional profit for investors means higher prices for the consumer.
On top of that, fuel costs for transporting the food has risen, which has been a major factor in the increase in food prices. We are actually pretty fortunate, in my opinion, that we have quite a bit that is grown locally. I was just back in NY and the prices there make ours look good, in comparison.
Couponing has very little to do with their bottom line. Manufacturer’s reimburse for their coupons and the doubler is like a loss leader to bring you in to the store. It’s all just part of their marketing or advertising costs. If it wasn’t profitable, they would stop. Period.
Many stores through out our country do double or triple couponing for way more than 3 at a time and they’re still in business. There are enough other areas of the store that they have a high mark up and high profit margin (like produce).
As for Oregon being an expensive state to live in with little doubling – you should try living up north here in WA. The Albertson’s double is all we get and it’s a lot more expensive up here.
It’s a competitive world, and anything a company can do to boost their bottom line, they pretty much will do.
Large corporations have analysts who look at every single cost item to keep costs down. Couponing is one of those costs.
Allowing more double couponing will not put them out of business, but it will reduce their profit margin, which they are loath to do.
I just doubt it’s enough to make a difference. SAV declaired a loss last year as it was, so I’m sure they’re trying to dump as much money as they can into getting people to their stores.
It’s not just about getting costs down, it’s about generating revenue and foot traffic. The more foot traffic they have, then the more of a premium they can sell their shelf space for.
not really true. They also own Shaws which is the store near me. They double coupons everyday 99 cents and under. most of the stores in new hampshire double them everyday
I agree with you Heather. Oregon IS one of the worst states for couponing. I am so jealous of my friends that get unlimited double and triple coupons! I live in Corvallis and am limited to one Albertsons, one Safeway, one Winco and one Fred Meyer. If I want to go to addt’l stores of the same name, I have to drive 30 minutes.
I get so much slack from checkers when I use coupons, especially when I have a lot. People need to understand that in todays day, we need to do whatever we can to make a buck stretch, and if that means they have to take the time to scan a few coupons, they should suck it up and do their job. I am tired of checkers giving me attitude for bringing coupons.
Heather, if you think living in Oregon is bad, you should try living in the Florida Keys!! Lol…We only have Publix and Winn Dixie and neither of them double coupons! We also have a Walmart but it’s 40 miles away!!
I used to live in the Beaverton area, now in Tualatin. Yes, i have been struggling with coupons too. I see shows were people are getting ALL their coupons doubled at the stores they go to (somewhere back East). I miss the days when Albertson’s used to take all competitors coupons. I did so when then. That was over 6 years ago. The store that used to be on 185th was awesome. If you want a coupon buddy to chat with in your area let me know.
Here in Wenatchee, WA, Albertson’s is the only store that doubles (Twice the Value coupons, that is). I wish our local Safeway stores would get on the doubler wagon. 😉
Hey Jessica,
I live in East Wenatchee and I was just looking to see who doubled coupons and then I found your comment. I am totally new to this. So if I bring coupons to Albertosons they will double them any day?
Hi I dissagree with you about Oregon being one of the worst states to live in as far as being expensive… I had lived there my whole life untill I was about 19. I moved to Texas – Milk alone in Elpaso was $7.50 a Gal.; Idaho is more expensive for grocery’s if you ask me – Oregon is a bit cheaper than there; Cali – didnt seem too bad but I didnt really shop there… And Washington Well Our Grocery’s are about 2/3 more that In Oregon for the most part. Plus we have taxes… As Far as the couponing I never really did that in oregon, and I am just getting started… here. I wish you the best with couponing… and all. BTW I do go to Oregon now and again to see family… I miss shopping there!
This is awesome!! I’m excited that I now have their policy to show them that they do double coupons that say, “Do Not Double”! Yeah! Thank you for everything that you do for all of us!!
You guys saw that Safeway’s coupon policy was updated Feb 16, 2011, right? If not you might want to snag a new copy of it. -Jen
Where can I find the new Safeway coupon policy?
sorry this took so long Alyssa! You can print it here:
Hi Jennifer, Im trying to find out when do the stores double the coupons, I would like to know if u can help me out? Thanks