How to Can Peaches
In August, peaches start to ripen and hang heavy from the branches. Whether you pick your own or buy them from your local farmers market or produce stand, fresh peaches are sticky, sweet summertime treats.
Early varieties of peaches are generally available in late July or early August. Later varieties should be available through mid-late September.
If you buy or pick large quantities of fruit, it’s a good idea to spread it out in one layer so you don’t end up with a mushy mess when the fruit starts to ripen. I also add a small bowl of apple cider vinegar (with a couple drops of dish soap) to the mix to keep the fruit fly population down. It works beautifully.
If you are planning to can peaches, you want to be sure you pick up freestone, cling-free fruit. This means the skins will slip off easier and the fruit won’t cling to the pit. Wait until your fruit is nice and ripe before you start, or peeling and pitting will just be an exercise in frustration.
Below is an illustrated guide to canning peaches using the cold/raw pack method. Everybody has their own little quirks or variations, but this is a basic guide to get you started:
To avoid stressful canning times, I follow two rules:
- I (almost) never can alone. There is safety in numbers. Small groups of 2-4 turn a long, hot job into a fun, productive day.
- I prep as much as possible in advance.
- Small pot – sanitize the lids. Place the lids (and rings, if desired) in a small pot of water. Bring to a simmer for 10 minutes to activate the seal and sanitize the lids.
– - Large pot – sugar syrup. I prefer light syrup. The ratio is 3 cups of water to 1 cup of sugar. For a full canner of 7 jars, you’ll need about 9 cups of water and 3 cups of sugar. Combine in a large pot and bring to a simmer. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. This pot can be kept on the stove on low heat. Edited on 8/14/13: Reader Ruth left a tip to keep the syrup warm in a slow cooker on the counter. I switched to this method. It works great and opens up space on your stove top!
– - Canner – 7 jar capacity. Canners are relatively inexpensive, so if you have enough time, energy, and space, you could keep two canners humming at the same time. Fill the canner about halfway up with water. Keep the water warm but not scalding. You should be able to comfortably touch the water with your bare hand. Keeping it warm will decrease the amount of time you have to wait to bring it to boiling for the final step of processing the jars.
– - Shallow pot – Blanching the peaches. Place the peaches in the hot water for approximately 30 seconds. Remove them to an ice cold water bath. They will cool and be easier to peel. Some peach varieties will be easy enough to peel that you can skip blanching altogether. This is a good thing.
– - Wash your jars. Make sure they are clean and free of cracks. Also, run your finger around the rims to make sure there are no nicks as this will prevent your lids from sealing to the jars.
Are you still with me? Hang in there. The prep work is the tedious part; it gets easier from here.
Peel, pit, and cut up the peaches. You can slice, quarter, or halve them. Whatever floats your boat. I like quarters. They’re easy to pop off the pit and fit nicely into the jars. It takes 4-5 medium peaches (about 2 1/2 pounds) to fill one quart. Around 18 pounds should fill one canner of 7 quart jars.
Fill up one jar at a time. Pack the peaches to within 1 inch of the top of the jar, which will be around the bottom of the threaded neck. Shake gently to settle the peaches into their new home. I go for speed; not beauty. My sister always says, “We won’t be winning any 4-H ribbons at the fair.” True enough. However, by gently stacking the peaches in the jar with the pit-cavity side down, they fit and look better.
Depending on the variety of peaches you are canning, they may darken slightly from the time they are cut. It personally doesn’t bother me enough to do anything about it. If you are going for that blue ribbon, you can use either Ball Fruit Fresh or lemon juice to keep the color bright and peachy.
Using the warm prepared syrup, fill the jars to within about 1/2 inch of the top. You can use a soup ladle or pour the syrup directly from the pot into the jars. The peaches should be covered with the syrup. Syrup helps maintain the flavor & texture of the peaches.
Slide a plastic utensil between the jar and the peaches, gently pushing into the peaches to release any air bubbles that might be trapped. Do this several times, working your way around the jar.
Wipe the rim of the jars with a clean towel. Place a sterilized lid on each jar and screw on the ring fingertip-tight.
Using a jar lifter, slowly lower the jars into a canner filled with warm water. The tops of the jars should be covered with at least one inch of water. If you are using the cold pack method, you want to make sure the water is not too hot, otherwise the jars will crack and all your hard work will spill into the canner.
Cold jars + hot water = bad news. Not that I speak from experience. Okay, okay. I totally speak from experience. I’ve had several jars of peaches sink to a watery grave this way.
Put the lid on the canner. Bring to a boil. Once the water is up to a boil, set the timer and process for 30 minutes in the simmering water.
When the timer goes off, use the jar lifter again to move the jars to a drying rack or towel on the counter top to cool. As they cool, the lids will seal. Sometimes they give off a satisfying “pop”; sometimes they don’t. After a few hours, you can check the lids by gently running your finger over the top. If they are sucked in, they are sealed.
If any jars don’t seal, you can still use them. Just move the jar to the refrigerator and use within a few days. After 24 hours, remove the rings (can be re-used), rinse the jars, and store the canned peaches in a cool, dark place.
There you have it, Canning Peaches 101. See? It’s totally possible for the first-time canner. Like many things in life, canning does take time and effort and attention. You will be tired. Your countertops will be sticky. Your children will be eating Cheerios off the floor. But those jars of golden goodness lining your kitchen shelves will make it all worth it.
Are you new to canning? Be sure to go through our Home Canning Guide posts for a beginners guide, equipment suggestions, and recipes!
A Water Bath Canner with Rack is a surprisingly inexpensive investment. You can often find these secondhand for around $10; Amazon usually carries this steel/porcelain canner, which is what I own, for less than $50. This 21 1/2 quart capacity will hold up to seven jars. Canning equipment can be hard to find during this weird Covid time, but I wanted to link to the item just so you can see what you’re looking for!
Looking for more delicious ways to use up those peaches?
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If you use fruit fresh or lemon juice when and how much do you add to the peaches? Thanks for sharing, I am a first time canner, but excited to start!
Once you peel them all. Sprinkle them all with fruit fresh. And that’s it. And then prepare them I your jars.
Dear Angela,
Your easy to follow instructions are what we have been doing for nearly all of our fall cold pack canning. We do have a tip: to eliminate the possibility of the jars cracking while using the cold pack method.
Sterilize your canning jars as usual, then immediately place the jars in an oven at 200 degrees. By the time your prepare the fruit or vegetables the canning jars are up to the canning bath temperature.
When you are ready to pack, place a small amount of the warm liquid (syrup, water or vinegar) in the canning jar then add your product.
This protects the jars from the “cracking issue”; obviously, because there is not a lot of temperature difference. It will also help to further sterilize the jars.
Never had one jar crack using this method.
We always have the bath boiling rapidly when placing jars in. All of this helps to keep the time in the bath as close as possible to the “canning time”. In doing so the product is never mushy do to extended time in the canning bath.
How do you can peaches that they taste like fresh peaches and not like canned peaches?
canned peaches using this method and it turned out wonderful. for a starter canner I was impressed in how easy this recipe was to follow. I printed it out for a very dear friend of mine. I now have 76 jars of canned peaches. I would like to ask a question, how long can you keep canned peaches?
I really loved this! Perfect instructions. Very easy to follow. My husband and I knocked out about 25 pounds of peaches in one night. We used our regular soup pot and it held 7 cans at a time. I may buy another pot for our next canning adventure so we can keep it going. Thanks so much for taking the time to post this!
I just found your recipe. I cant wait to try my hand at canning something,so excited and my family loves peaches . You made and packed the peaches in a light syrup but do you have a recipe for a heavy syrup?
I am excited to can peaches this year. I would like to know the difference in texture between hot and cold packed. I only like the peaches that taste like fresh peaches and not canned. Thanks for your help.
The peaches will taste cooked regardless but we like fresh peaches too and have done cold packed. Taste great.
Thanks for the great tutorial! I canned my first batch of peaches ever today and it went great. I can’t wait to eat them!
Thank you. This was a great article. I tried canning for the first time yesterday by following your instructions and everything worked out perfectly and I now have 7 sealed jars of beautiful organic peaches. However, in many of the jars, the liquid has settled a bit lower this morning and there are some parts of the fruit floating at the top uncovered. Will this stay OK or will the exposed fruit pieces be liable to spoilage? Thanks for a response.
Great! Glad you had success.
When the jars cool, the fruit sometimes rises to the top of the syrup (mine almost always does using the cold pack method). The fruit at the top may darken slightly, but if the jars sealed correctly, it’s a cosmetic thing. To avoid fruit float, you could try to pack the fruit tighter (with pit sides down), use narrow lidded jars, or use the hot pack method.
How do I keep my peaches from floating to the top of the jar. I canned spiced peaches in quart jars and the peaches all floated to the top.
Fruit floats to the top because it’s lighter than the syrup. You can try packing the peaches closer together (overlap the peaches with all pit sides down to pack as tightly as possible) or heating the peaches before packing them in the jars. It’s just a cosmetic thing, though, it doesn’t hurt the end product!
Does this method work with all fruits?
Instead of sugar syrup any other ideas for liquid?
Yes, the basic steps are the same. The biggest difference would be whether you want to hot or cold pack the fruit.
Alternatives for sugar syrup are unsweetened fruit juice or water. If you don’t add sugar, though, you’ll need to process the jars using the hot pack method (not shown here but it basically involves heating the fruit in the syrup/juice/water before packing them into the jars, the rest of the directions are the same, process for 25 minutes).
I am having problems with my fruit shrinking during the process. What could be my problem. I do it the way u have just outlined and seem to have done same for years,
By shrinking, do you mean floating? I sometimes have that problem, too. It can be solved by packing the peaches tighter or using the hot pack method. Since you haven’t changed your method, I was wondering if you have switched peach varieties. Curious if that factors in at all…
Thanks for the gr8 tutorial! I’ve canned all my life but at 74, I needed a refresher course. Love the idea of crock pot to keep syrup warm! Also wasn’t sure about when to use the Fruit Fresh. Thanks!
This is a great step-by-step guide! I am a Master Food Preserver; I re-certify annually through OR State Univ. Extension. . . . I do have one thing to add to your canning process to keep your product safe & your make certain your jars seal. If you are hot packing your peaches, the processing time is 25 min. However, if you are raw-packing you need 30 min. I like to hot-pack to keep the peaches from floating to the top of the jar. Also, after your processing time is up, turn off the heat & remove the canner lid. Wait 5 min. before removing jars. If you are canning at an altitude above 1000 feet, check USDA guidelines for adjustments.
Where I get my peaches from the Amish, they said that peaches do not need that much time. Make sure the water bath is hot but not too hot. You should be able to put your elbow in the water easily. Next put your jars in the pot and bring to a boil. Let them boil for 5 minutes, and then let them sit in the hot water for another 5 minutes and then take them out to cool on a towel. That is all there is to it. I did it this way and canned 76 jars, (only have 65 jars left and it is not even close to winter to enjoy them). I am not “crazy” or dead yet when I eat the peaches, they are wonderful and not mushy. It just takes a lot less time.
Emily – This a great “how-to” article. Well written, with a personal touch and conveying the message in an easy to understand and follow manner. Keep on writing!
I have a question what can I use in place of sugar a friend cant have sugar will just plain water with Stay Fresh or a little white grape juice with out sugar or just a little lemon juice do the trick
Please help
Thanks Inge
Thanks great job
I did not have liquid syrup hot when pouring into jars over peaches Is this a problem?
Hi Diane,
It’s no problem. It will just take a lot longer to get to a boil.
I know this is an old post but wanted to let fellow canners know about The Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island. I went today and bought 20 lbs of Barlett pears for $8.00…also 20 lbs of tomatoes for $16.99. Worth canning for these prices.
Try purchasing a Back To Basics 7 Quart Steam Canner. It’s made of lightweight aluminum. It uses very little water since it steams the jars & takes less time to process.
Thank you! Your easy instructions inspired me. I am finishing up a busy Sunday! I’ve never canned without my mother and she never canned peaches but your instructions were so easy, I just knew I could. We made a trip to the local pick your own farm (which is who shared a link to your website) and got fresh peaches and blackberries. I made peach butter, blackberry jelly and canned peaches – none of which will make it to Christmas I’m afraid. I see another busy weekend or two in my future, if I want Christmas gifts as I’ve planned. Thanks again!
Can I put sliced peaches into water containing ascorbic acid until I can get them packed into jars?
Yes you can. I just squirt some lemon juice in a large bowl with cold water and as I am slicing the peaches I put them in the water as they are waiting to be put in the jars.
Thanks, Emilie!
Thank you for the GREAT step by step visual. I remembered most of this, which my grandmother taught me, but wonderful that you put it to words and pictures! Thank you mucho.
Great tutorial. I hadn’t canned in years but helped my daughter and SIL do 48 jars Sunday afternoon. She uses an electric teakettle for the syrup. Works great, just pour into the jars. Does anybody know….is it OK to can in Ball 1/2 gallon jars. We did some and seemed to be fine. She waterbathed them in her pressure cooker kettle with just a regular pot lid on it. It was tall enough for the jars.
Thank you so much for this post! I followed it precisely and now have 6 quarts of peaches cooling on my counter. This was easy to follow without being overly “wordy”. Truly appreciate it!
Thank for this great information. I haven’t ever canned peaches, so this will sure make my job much smoother and easier.
Thanks for the great tutorial and especially the comment from Ruth for keeping the syrup warm in a crock pot….great idea as it frees up my stovetop.
One thing I tried last year that worked great is keeping the syrup warm in a crock pot. I am going to can peaches for the first time this year! Love!
You’re right! That “Pop” is VERY satisfying! Especially for my first time canning anything. Thanks for the instructions!
I’m considering ordering peaches from Zaycon Foods this year. Were yours easy to peel? I’ve been canning Veterans for several years. I can peel and slice enough for 7 quarts and they don’t turn brown. I like them for their flavor, ease of peeling without blanching and the pit comes right out, but I’m open to trying a new variety if they’re as nice to work with. 🙂
The year I ordered Zaycon’s peaches, they were the best I have ever eaten or processed. Easy to pit & peel, didn’t brown, and incredible flavor. I don’t know if this year’s peaches will be the same variety, but I am hoping they are (with a big order to prove it…)!
This is the first year this much canning has gone on in my kitchen. My mother always canned lots of stuff, but I had no interest. This year, however, between her, my sister, and my boyfriend I’ve helped can blackberry jam, spaghetti sauce, salsa, apple sauce and now peaches. It takes time, but all those jars look so pretty. I think pears are next. 🙂
So happy to hear this! Welcome to the craziness. I think the finished jars are so pretty, too. I’m always tempted to display them on my bookshelves.
According to Balls Blue Book Guide to Preserving, canned food can be safely stored for up to a year. After one year, the food should still be edible (mine has definitely lasted longer) but you may notice a decrease in quality (flavor, color, texture, or nutritional value). Storing your finished jars in a cool, dry, dark place will help prolong their shelf life.
I usually only freeze our peaches, but I did can some last year. They were amazing! I was surprised how much they retained their fresh picked taste. So unlike store canned. Since I had only used the frozen ones for cobblers and such, it was nice to serve them straight out.
I love the idea of canning with others. I need to find some locals who enjoy canning. So few people do it these days.
Instead of making a syrup and getting sticky everywhere, I put a 1/4 cup of sugar into each jar than ladle hot water into the jar. After putting the lid and band on, I invert the jar 3 or 4 times before popping into the canner. Makes a perfect syrup. This is a light syrup. For a very light syrup use 1.5 to 2 tablespoons per jar (4 tablespoons is 1/4 cup).
Great tutorial. You gave me the confidence to try canning peaches for the first time. I did 20 lbs, but it was so easy I might go back for another 20 lbs box. Thanks!
By the way… thanks for the LOVELY tutorial! I *think* I got your website through Bountiful Baskets. I believe they provided a link because your tutorial was so well done. I’m really sad that I missed out on Zaycon. My friends have been trying to get me to register. I finally did it tonight. Hopefully, they’ll do peaches one more time. If not, I’ll have to be satisfied with applesauce!
Where will you be getting peaches this weekend? I am desperate to find somewhere near me to get them, but the orchards I usually go to all had bad seasons. It looks like I missed the Zaycon deal, but if not let me know.
I skipped picking at orchards this year because our kids are kind of at tough ages to make it an even semi-enjoyable outing. You can find local orchards at
You can also call orchards to find out if you could coordinate a pick-up at a local farmers market where they sell. You might get a better price this way without having to pick your own.
Finally, call local produce markets. I have happily used Growers Outlet (161st & Glisan in Portland) for the past 2 years. See what kind of deal they can swing you.
where do i get a canner? i want to do start doing this… might have to wait till next year though… but better get my supplies in advance! 🙂
Check Fred Meyer or Bi-Mart.
Great tutorial! One question: where do purchase your canning jars? I usually go to Freddy’s when the are on sale, but the price is still quite a bit. Is there another source for inexpensive canning jars? Thanks!
Fred Meyer, Bi-Mart, Wilco, or Winco are all stores I have bought jars from with coupons.
Or check with a friend or family member who no longer cans. I got tons of great canning supplies this way from a neighbor two years ago. Also, Craigslist can be a good source.
The nice thing about investing in jars is that once you have a good stash built up, you can re-use them each year.
I bought some from Fred Meyer last week for around $10. Then I saw them at Albertson’s for less. I think they were around $8.50. Hopefully you can find them for cheap!
I found my best price for jars at Dollar General.
I, too, got the Zaycon peaches. AMAZING! Wowee!!
I got all my canning done on Sunday. I worked alone, and would have preferred some help!!
one thing to suggest, use an outdoor cook stove for your canner… that way you don’t scorch your stove, and you can keep the finished product out of your work space… it helps me a ton. I had 3 canners going at one time, and it was nice to have them all outdoors on a hot day!
Some corrections to your process:
You don’t want to _firmly_ screw on the bands. You want them finger-tight. You need the air in the jar to be able to escape for a proper vacuum seal. It sounds like you haven’t had trouble with this yet but you might in the future. When the bands start resisting, stop screwing them on.
In addition to washing your jars, you should sterilize them in boiling water for five minutes, then leave them in the hot water. This prevents the jars from shattering when you put hot liquid into them. It’s nit-picky but I’ve been canning for 17 years and you’ll occasionally get a jar that shatters if you don’t do this.
There’s an additional reason to store jars bands-off: it prevents lid rust and better lets you see any spoiled/improperly sealed jars.
Have fun canning! I’m neck-deep in tomatoes and jalapenos, myself.
cheater, I see those mamma Oakley hands in there! oh, to be back at home with live-in grandparent help for kids and canning! 🙂
I first canned peaches last year and didn’t do enough – only got 6 quarts, which my kids begged to eat right away. This year I did about 50 lbs, and I hope that’s enough to get us thru winter. I’m a totally novice canner, but it truly is easy and so delicious!
Well, you have certainly made this look easy! There are peaches ripening in orchards all around me. I think I’ll do this next week. Thanks for the tutorial, Emily! BTW, your pictures are great!