Chinook Book Coupons
The Chinook Book is a book filled with coupons from businesses committed to sustainable living including: farmers markets, recycling, local biking & transit, clean energy and green home. There are books available in several regions in the western United States, including Portland, Seattle/Puget Sound, San Fransisco, Denver & Boulder, Minneapolis & St. Paul, and Utah (since most of our readers are in the Pacific Northwest, we will specifically discuss the Portland Chinook Book, but the general tips will be the same in all participating regions).
The 2014 book is available at local retailers, natural grocery stores, Costco, and through various organizations that sell it as a fundraising tool (find participating retailers in the Portland Metro area here). The purchase price is $20, but it can be found for less. I paid $16 for mine a few weeks before Christmas at New Seasons Market, and it will go on sale for closer to $14 sometime in the next few months. I understand paying $20 for some coupons might seem outrageous to some, but accessing these unique coupons and discounts that will far exceed the initial cost is a worthwhile investment, especially if anyone in your family is on a special diet, you are committed to purchasing natural or organic food and products, or enjoy supporting locally-owned businesses. All coupons in this edition of the Chinook Book expire October 31, 2014.
There are some manufacturer’s coupons available in the Chinook Book not commonly found elsewhere. If you are partial to natural and organic products, you will find that most of the coupons are for these type of items. Some of my favorites this year from the Portland book include:
- $1/1 any Green and Black Organic Chocolate product — this will be on sale for sure around Valentine’s day
- BOGO Mary’s Gone Crackers product — great to combine with a sale price on Gluten-Free crackers
- $1/1 any Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Household Cleaning item — I love their hand soap. The scents are great and it will go on sale a few times this year, this coupon makes it a decent price.
- $1/2 Wild Planet products — their canned tuna is fantastic
- $1/1 any Woodstock Frozen Fruit or Vegetable — These are on sale regularly at New Seasons
- $.75/1 Bob’s Red Mill product — these coupon are pretty rare
- $1/1 any Coconut Bliss product — this is an awesome dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, certified organic alternative to ice cream
- $.75/1 Tofurky product — a great organic, non-GMO, locally produced meat alternative
- $1/1 any Choice Organic Tea Boxed product — great tea made in Seattle
- $2/2 Oregon Chai or Oregon Cafe’ products
In addition to these and other great manufacturer’s coupons, the Portland Chinook Book has hundreds of offers for discounts at local retailers, including restaurants, food carts, espresso shops, and more. These are a few completely free offers:
- Free Car wash at Eco Car Wash Express
- Free Slice of Pizza at Whole Foods Market
- Free Oil Change and Safety Inspection and Green Drop Garage
- Free One-Week Guest Pass to Club Sport Oregon
- Free Admission to Circuit Bouldering Gym
- Free Home Energy Audit with Neil Kelly Home Performance
- Free 6 oz Self Serve Yogurt at Twist Frozen Yogurt and Coffee Bar
These coupons are a great way to try out a new place (or re-visit an old favorite) without breaking the bank. Last year we discovered Scoop Ice Cream Cart through the Chinook Book, and this is now one of our favorite locations to go for a treat with the kids.
Another restaurant we found through the Chinook Book? Foster Burger. We are now converts and prefer take out from there over comparably priced Burgerville (did I just lose my Oregon citizenship for saying that out loud?) even though we actually have to get out of the car to pick it up. And for the Burgerville fans, they always include some great Buy One Get One Free coupons in the Chinook Book.
Many other local businesses offer great discounts to get you in the door. Local bicycle repair shops offer up to 50% off a bike tune-up, and I count no less than 18 different discounts from bicycle shops on bicycles and accessories. Spas and salons have some great offers for massages, haircuts and other services. Have you always wanted to try out some acupuncture or a new class? There are many establishments offering up to 50% off of these services. There is a huge fashion and gift section offering savings on everything from non-toxic children’s toys to knee-high socks, with quite a variety in between. Local nurseries and garden centers offer great discounts or gift with purchase coupons, one of them within walking distance of my house. I love when I can strap the littles into the stroller and head out for some fresh air while picking up some heirloom kale and spinach seeds, and maybe a succulent or two.
My final tip to utilize the Chinook Book: Check out the local grocery store coupons. I prefer to think of them as an alternative to the Safeway $10/$50 coupon.
Need to stock up on some good meat? Head to Sheridan Fruit Company like Emily did, armed with a $10/$50 or $5/$25 coupon from the Chinook Book. Are you a fan of Uwajimaya? Utilize their $10/$50 or $5/$30 for some good discounts. Maybe you love New Seasons Market as I do. Use the $5/$25 there to maximize a really good stock-up sale on your favorite items. If you’re a fan of the local grocery co-ops: Food Front, People’s, and Alberta all offer $5/$25 coupons. Even the Grocery Outlet offers three $3/$25 coupons — that’s some great savings on top of some of their super discounts!
Whatever your preferences are, if you are looking for some great local discounts and natural coupons, the Chinook Book just might be able to help you out in your quest for savings. Utilizing just a handful of the offers available will return your money invested, and you might even find a new favorite local business to support in the process.
Find more ways to save money on real food here.
This is a guest post from Laurie, our New Seasons Market expert.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
FYI I paid $12.50 about a week and a half ago for my Chinook Book at Costco!