Here are the best deals at Fred Meyer this week. The Fred Meyer ad runs Sunday-Saturday in the Pacific Northwest. Make sure to load any Fred Meyer eCoupons or Cellfire coupons you need to your Rewards Card. Find the full list of this week’s Fred Meyer deals, including a printable list feature, here.
Senior Day Tuesday Jan 7 (age 55+). Get 10% off store-brand food and mostly every non-food item. Thanks, Howard!
Wild Alaska Pacific Cod just $3.99/lb
*This is a fantastic price. Cod will freeze beautifully.
Fresh Whole Dungeness Crab on sale $5.99/lb
*Crab is in season right now. $4.99 is an awesome price but we haven’t seen it drop that low very much this year. Have the butcher clean it for you.
Baker Potatoes on sale $.39/lb
Navel Oranges on sale $.49/lb
Pomegranates on sale $2 each
*Watch this video to learn how to remove pomegranate seeds quickly.
Gold Pineapple on sale $2
*This pineapple corer/slicer makes it a snap.
Cauliflower and Broccoli on sale $.99/lb
Nancy’s Yogurt (32 oz) on sale $2
*This is a great price for local brand yogurt and it tastes delicious too.
Fred Meyer Beans and Tomatoes on sale $.50 with weekly ad coupon — limit 6
Chobani Greek Yogurt on sale $.79 with weekly ad coupon — limit 8
Use $.30/1 coupon
$.49 after coupon
Barilla Pasta on sale $.79 with weekly ad coupon — limit 6
Buy 2
Use $1.10/2 coupon — excludes plus
$.24 each after coupon when you buy 2
Pillsbury Grands Biscuits on sale $1
Use $.50/1 coupon — direct link (use zip 77477)
$.50 after coupon
Pure Protein Bar on sale $1
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon from 1/5 RP insert
$.50 each after coupon when you buy 2
Larabar ALT Bars on sale $1
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon — direct link
$.62 each after coupon when you buy 2
Balance Bars on sale $1
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon
$.66 each after coupon when you buy 3
New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing here.
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Stagg Chili is $1 this week, good price for that product. Today I saw Hormel chili at the Burlingame store for $1, no limit, most flavors. (Was not in my weekly ad) There is a $.55/2 cpn at for the Hormel; also a $1/2 Hormel chili cpn in June 21 edition of All You mag. An email cpn for 50% off one Simple Truth product came to me a day or two ago. There are many products in that line; you can get a box of granola or bag of tort chips for $1, or a bag of steel-cut oats for $1.14 with the cpn. Limited to one per person, cpn is supposedly linked to your card and non-transferable. Good till Sat.
Hurray, the Barilla $1/2 cpns from Sunday work on the whole grain, white fiber and veggie varieties,all of which are $.79 before cpns, limit 6. I got 4 @ $.29 each. Also got 2 free Snapwares, 1 large package of Grands biscuits ($.50 after cpn), free Jeno’s pizza from Friday download, 1 lb of deli tater salad and paid a whopping $2.91. (Less 5% cashback from Citibank credit card quarterly promo)
Nice. Thanks for the feedback!
There was a $1/2 cpn on the balance bars in the paper too. Don’t remember which though.
Barilla brand has recently been in the news for discriminating against lesbian and gay families. Don’t buy from this bigoted company!
First of all, this is old news. Secondly, he’s entitled to his opinion and beliefs, just like you are. What he said was “I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don’t agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role.” His comment about advertising was in response to a direct question about whether he would ever feature a gay family in his company’s commercials. It’s his company and he can advertise anyway he chooses. I applaud him for being honest in his answer and standing up for what he believes in, whether people agree or not. Move on already.
This has nothing to do with their product. Luckily they live in a country where we are FREE! I applaud anyone brave enough to stand up for what they believe in even if it isn’t popular. This makes me want to by Barilla even more. In fact I think I’ll go get some now 🙂
There’s a $1/2 Barilla pasta cpn in today’s SS that includes Plus, Veggie, Whole Grain, White Fiber and Gluten Free. MAYBE some of those other than the Plus are included in the $.79 store cpn deal.
Also, Campbell’s Chunky Soups are $1.25 and there’s a $1/4 cpn in today’s circulars.
Barilla cpn is for Plus; is that in the sale? Guess I’ll find out Sunday.
There is talk that it is, but yes, we won’t know until tomorrow.
Nevermind — it excludes Plus. I’ll update.
Senior day should be coming up Tuesday. 10% off non-foods and store brand food items for ages 55+.
The pomegranate trick really works-thanks I used it after you posted it originally 🙂