Back-to-school is upon us and if you’re looking for ways to save money on your school supplies, you’re in the right place! We’ve compiled the prices on all the popular school supplies from Walmart, Target, and Fred Meyer and put them in a handy one-sheet reference guide. This will help you plan out your back-to-school shopping and know if a big sale running at Office Depot, Staples, or Walgreens is worth the trip.
You can print the School Supply Price Guide from your computer or pull it up on your smart phone. Easy peasy!
This free resource is available when you sign up for our daily email newsletter. It will take about 10 seconds and the guide will show up in your inbox!
Get your FREE School Supply Price Guide here!
Psst…if you’re already an email subscriber, we emailed you the guide on July 30. Check your inbox :).
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Great guide, thank you! Also it doesn’t hurt to check out Office Depot and Staples, I’ve been finding great deals at both places. I know the deals change weekly so its probably too much work to add to this list.
We post the weekly school supply deals on Saturday for the upcoming week. Use this guide to help figure out of the office supply store deals are worth the hassle!
Thanks for this sheet. Super helpful!
Does anyone know when composition notebooks go on sale for .10 each? I am a new teacher and am going to be doing interactive notebooks. It seems like Walmart at some point has them for .10 each but not sure. Thanks for any help! 🙂
I haven’t seen comp books go that low in years unless it’s a loss leader at one of the office supply stores. They will have a limit, so you’ll have to go several times to get enough for a classroom. $.50 is the lowest you’ll find without limits.
Hopefully you see this post in the next 24 hrs. Comp books are on sale at Staples for .50 each – limit 30 (all summer) AND Staples has 40% back in Rewards for Teachers through 8/8. You need to print this coupon to get the Rewards credit:
That’s the best deal I see on comp books right now.
thanks so much! I will go there today! Much appreciated!!! 🙂
Thanks… It had the same title (at least as much as displayed on the iphone) as the daily newsletter so I hadn’t realized I had two emails. Looks great. Thanks.
How do we get the guide if we are already email subscribers. I don’t want to end up with two daily Frugal Living NW newsletter by signing up again.
Barbara you should have gotten it this morning in addition to your daily newsletter