This week’s menu plan is brought to you by Carla, a stay-at-home mom to a one-year old from the Tacoma, Washington area. Carla enjoys gardening. cooking and Zumba! This week’s plan is an “off payday” week, so Carla will be using produce that needs to be used up and her freezer and pantry.
MONDAY: Roasted chicken with red potatoes and broccoli
TUESDAY: Meat loaf and roasted cauliflower
WEDNESDAY: Enchiladas (I use the left over chicken from Sunday)
THURSDAY: Freezer soup (left over Chicken, Chorizo and Tortilla Soup from Rachel Ray)
FRIDAY: Spaghetti (I use crumbled up left over meat loaf with a jar of sauce and whole wheat noodles)
SATURDAY: Pay Day Pizza Friday! Papa Murphy’s!
SUNDAY: Saturday’s aren’t really planned. Either I throw something together, we go out, eat left overs or throw a frozen pizza in the oven.
Need more inspiration? Check out the Menu Plan Monday link-up at I’m an Organizing Junkie!
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This is the Rachel Ray link –
sounds yummy sis!