It’s been a bit quiet today here at Frugal Living NW because I had my baby last night!
I went into labor early in the morning Wednesday and had moderate contractions every 20 or so minutes until about 5 in the evening. I spent the day reorganizing my household stash, writing posts, taking a great nap and generally getting ready to push a baby out!
Around dinner time, things picked up quickly — hard contractions every 3-4 minutes. My midwives came over a bit after 7:00 and I entered birthing bliss — the birthing tub. And, of course, my labor completely slowed down. One of my midwives checked me and told me I was at 7 cm. Come to find out later she’s a big liar, liar, pants on fire and I was really at a 6, but she didn’t want to discourage me. No big deal though, because I went from 6 cm to baby out in about 45 minutes!Matthew Brian Robert Davis was born at 8:40 pm on October 21. He weighed 9 lbs exactly and is 21 inches long. My husband, sweet daughter Audrey, friend Kate, mother-in-law, and three midwives were there to cheer me on and welcome Matthew to our family.
I am so thankful that my labor went super-smoothly and quickly. I am fortunate that I have been able to have all four of my babies at home with incredibly uneventful labors. Of course, we’ve saved bundles of money having them at home and I enjoyed the experience, as much as you can “enjoy” a drug-free labor (which is really not enjoyable at all).
We will try to keep Frugal Living NW up and running while I get used to having four little ones around the house.
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I have no idea how I completely missed this wonderful post! A very late Congratulations Angela! What a beautiful baby boy.
I just saw your post! Congrats!!! I just wanted you to know that my birthday is also on October 21st, and it has served me well for 46 years. What an awesome birthdate for your baby to have chosen! Enjoy him…they grow FAST!
congrats angela! you're a superstar, and he's darling. can't wait to meet him in person!
WOW….a nine pounder at home with no drugs. You are a brave woman!!! I wish I could find it in me to be a home birther right now, because you got to have your family around you during and afterward. (they have banned all children from all hospitals in the area and all visitors at most)
Congratulations Angela, he's perfect!
thats awesome!! sending the biggest congrats ever your way!! you truly are a supermom!!
Congratulations and God's blessings to you and your family! I am soooooo totally impressed at your labor and delivery—-my experiances were….well, let's just say "over 10 pounds" and call it good. I have 3 wonderful blessings all growing fast now. Your blog reminded me of something my 75 year old mother recently told me—she had been born at home, on the kitchen table! I couldn't imagine it (especially after the first 10 pound baby) and I am cheering your accomplishment!
God's blessings to you all!
Kelly in Damascus
Congratulations! May God richly bless you and your family with this new little one. He's adorable.
Congratulations on your new addition to your family! I can't wait to meet him. Just in time for the COLD soccer weather. Maybe at the after party.
Congrats Angela!! My 2nd is due in 2 weeks.
Angela and family,
Congratulations on little Matthew!
Congratulations! He is adorable! Kudos for you for doing it at home and w/o meds! That is awesome!
Enjoy him!
Congrats, Angela! He is too adorable. So thankful labor and birth went so smoothly. Hope to see him sometime soon. God Bless your family!
Aww, how sweet he looks. Congrats!
I have a Matthew Thomas and he will be 21 on Jan 1st. Boy the years fly by!
Awwwwwww!!! I want to hold him. And inhale the sweet scent that newbies have. And kiss his sweet little pea pod toes. But since I am far away and a stranger, you'll have to do those things for me. Congratulations on your little man!
Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!!!
Congratulations!!!! He is beautiful!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!
You GO GIRL! Way to go! He is soooo cute! I can't wait to snuggle him at bible study. Hope you are feeling well. See you soon.
Congratulations! I love his little pudgy cheeks. He is such a beautiful baby. There are days, when my boys come home stinky and smelly from football that I miss that wonderful sweet smell of new babies. Enjoy him, as you know, they grow up way to fast.
Congratulations Angela…Matthew is so darn cute. 4 kids just like me..although for some reason I have a sneaky feeling you are going to outdo me with a 5th maybe even a 6th..who knows..I only know I am highly impressed with how close in age they are and how you do it..
P.S. I am so happy to have your hubby coach my youngest, Seth. He coached Tanner and I thought he was great, he's very encougaging.
Congratulations!! He's Beautiful!
A wonderful reason to forget about your blog for awhile! I had a feeling when the juice post had not been replaced. Good for you! Take some time and enjoy your newest addition. Don't worry about us, we will survive. Enjoy and Congrats! 🙂
Congratulations, Angela! He's a beautiful baby! Enjoy him, and thanks for all the great deals you bring us on your blog.
Congratulations! What a beautiful name! My oldest brother was named Matthew, and my dad's name is Robert. 🙂 Enjoy getting to know this precious new life in your house.
Congrats!! I can only guess who picked out the name Robert???
He's a handsome little dude!!
What a blessing!! Thanks for sharing this with us! May God bless you and be your source (of energy, patience, rest, comfort, etc) during this time!
Congratulations- what a little cutie!!
Congratulations – what a little sweetie pie! 🙂
Congratulations! What a joy!
Congratulations. He is beautiful and great job to you!!!
Congratulations! He's precious!
He's beautiful! Blessings to you all.
Congratulations!! So very exciting!
He is gorgeous! Good work mama.
Congratulations! What a beautiful boy!
Angela that is so wonderful! Congratulations. I look forward to meeting your sweet little guy. Kaylee won't be at soccer this weekend (not that you would necessarily be there either), but we'll look for you soon. Blessings! Traci
Congrats with the new addition to the family. Get lots of rest and enjoy the new baby.
Congratulations!! He is beautiful! That is so cool that you had him at home. I have had my five at home and love it!
Congrats……glad all went smooth and both of you are healthy …..
Congratulations! What a sweetie. Enjoy your new little one.
Welcome to the world, little Matthew!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you can keep the blog going since I check it about 300x per day (lol!) but you'll be quite forgiven if you can't! 😉
Congratulations!! So glad to hear things went so smoothly. Hope the transition to 4 goes smoothly and that you get lots of rest!!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new addition.
I haven't met you, but want to congratulate you and wish you the best with your new little baby! God bless and rest well! We love your blog and appreciate all you do!
Congratulations, how wonderful!!!
Congratulations! I am so happy that everything went smoothly for you. We can't wait to meet Matthew 🙂