Lots of great deals and new coupons have popped up this week at Rite Aid!
Dentyne, Stride or Trident Gum on sale 3/$3
Buy 3, Get $1 +UP Reward – limit 4
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon from 5/18 SS insert
Use $1/3 Rite Aid store coupon (Facebook)
Pay $1, Get $1 +UP
FREE after coupons and reward
Nair Hair Removal products priced at $5.29+
Buy 1, Get $3 +UP Reward – limit 2
Buy 2
Use $3/2 coupon
Pay $7.58, Get $6 in +UPs
As low as $.79 each after coupon and rewards
*These will ring up with your Wellness+ discount, so as low as FREE + $.53 overage after coupon and rewards
Aveeno Men’s Shave Gel priced at $4.99
Buy 2, Get $5 +UP Reward – limit 2
Buy 2
Use $3/2 coupon from 6/1 SS insert
Use $1/1 Rite Aid Video Values store coupon
Pay $5.98, Get $5 +UP
$.49 each after coupons and reward
*These will ring up with your Wellness+ discount, so as low as FREE + $1.01 overage after coupons and reward. Thanks Charolyn!
Update: The Aveeno deal is not the correct type included in the sale. Sorry for the confusion!
Find more Rite Aid deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Rite Aid coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
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The Stride gum might be the best way to go at RA. I bought 2 today that rang @ only $.64 each, and a Trident that rang at $1.03 (not sure why because they are 3 for $3). So I paid $.31 after the 2 cpns and got a $1 UP.
Caveat frugor (Latin for “Let the cheapskate beware”): the Nair cpn is a Java/Dumbsource cpn. It would not print for me. I had a brief, shining moment last week when I was able to print a Java/SS cpn, but my subsequent tries have been unsuccessful.
Has anybody seen the $1 off 3 Stride, Dentyne or Trident gum coupon in their Oregonian version??? all of the sites I’ve looked at seem to be advertising it (most of them back east) but I have yet to find it 🙁
I have 3 of these previously clipped (expire 6-28). They were on the next to last page of the 5-18 Oregonian SS, on the back of the Lamisil page.
Another warning on Colgate toothpaste: despite the ones that are regularly priced $3.49 -the 4.2 oz-listed as part of the +up in the ad & tagged that way at my store-they do not produce the +up, I returned one today (granted I didn’t try all the “flavors”-but am assuming it is true for all) & got the $3.99 one which worked fine (still a money maker with the 20% discount-if you have a $1 coupon-from past blinkies, I also had a printable & a load to card-not sure if they are still available).
Same thing happened to me; I posted that info on the RA page yesterday.
The $3.49 Colgate printed +UPs for me yesterday. It was less than $2.85 after my Gold discount, so a small MM after using $1/1 man Q.
What type did you get? Maybe it works on certain types, or maybe they fixed it & it is printing +ups now.
Sorry I have to make a retraction on the Aveeno shaving gel-the coupon states “any aveeno mens products”-I took that to mean any men’s aveeno product (& the cashier yesterday also)-but today a more alert cashier noticed that there is a subtype of aveeno men’s shaving cream that is called “MEN”S” & that is what the coupon is for. Sure enough I noticed too when I looked closely & at my store that type wasn’t part of the +up (annoying as they are the same base price!).
For that egregious gaffe you committed, you are hereby banned from posting any smiley face emoticons for the rest of the month. 🙁
Hahahahaha. Have a great weekend! 🙂