Safeway: Brittany’s shopping trips $.20 & $23.22
I just didn’t have time or energy to do multiple trips this week so I tried doing two shopping trips back to back. It was stressful trying to do so much at once but it was a success! Check out what I got! The first trip I bought 25 packages of granola bars and used (25) $1.25/1 coupons I found on ebay. I also did the Banana Boat Ibotta deal and had a coupon for free Stayfree pads that I don’t remember signing up for. After coupons, doubles, and the $10/$50 coupon I paid $.20!
Next I purchased all of this for just $23.22 with another $10/$50 coupon. Some of these are Just4U freebies and I had a personal price on the oranges. You will find a lot of the deals I did in these posts:
I paid $5.50 for the granola bar coupons, but I got $3.25 from Ibotta and $.25 from Checkout51. So overall for the two shopping trips I paid $25.40.
Safeway doubles most manufacturer’s coupons to to $.50 each in Oregon and SW Washington.
Find more Safeway deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Safeway coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
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I am a very positive person but people that are so set in their ways get under my skin. What are people supposed to do with coupons they don’t want, just throw them away? My husband gets lots of coupons free but we only use a few of them because we don’t buy things we aren’t going to use, should we just recycle the rest and not give other people an opportunity to use them for their own families? We don’t have any coupon circles or whatever around us. The internet is our only resource for sharing our coupons. They are paying for our time to cut them out and mail them, there’s nothing wrong with that.
It is illegal and unethical to buy coupons, I am surprised that this poster is allowed to display her illegal spoils on this website. I will consider unsubscribing if this kind of behavior is rewarded on this blog.
That’s like people who use coupons to buy groceries for free our nearly free and resell them, and say they are really only selling there time and knowledge of couponing. If we take advantage of the system to much, it will wear it out and the system will stop working for everyone.
Trade coupons but don’t sell. Share. Would you charge someone for your time to stop and chat with them too? Such a money crazed society.
I got into a discussion last year with an Albertson’s cashier who bragged about buying Bounty towel cpns online and getting about 35 free pkgs. I told her I thought that it was illegal to buy and sell cpns. She said that they are free and you’re paying for the service. Balderdash! I pay for my cpns by ordering extra newspapers.
Great deals; however, I really hope you pre ordered and did not clear the shelves. Its been so frustrating at Safeway with the cereal deals and nature valley constantly being OOS because people buy 25 boxes. Yes the store should be prepared for these sales, but people should be ethical and not clear the shelves for the rest of us.
There were plenty on the shelves. I took 5 boxes of 5 different kinds and you would not have been able to notice I was there. My store keeps a very good stock of granola bars.
What is the deal on the fruit strips?
They are $.25 each and the May produce magazine had Buy 3, Get 2 FREE coupons.