Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Along with sales and coupons, you can also get extra savings with two smart phone cash back apps:
Just download the apps and browse for offers available at Safeway!
Save $10 off $50 or more grocery purchase! – Grab coupon digitally at or from the 5/30 save insert.
Lucerne Shredded, Chunk or Sliced Cheese (6-8 oz) on sale $.74 – with digital just for u coupon, limit 2
Red, Green or Black Seedless Grapes on sale $.87/lb – with weekly ad coupon, limit 4 lbs
Wild-Caught Sockeye Salmon Fillet on sale $6.99/lb – with weekly ad coupon, limit 2
Raw Shrimp (16-20 ct) on sale $6.99/lb – with weekly ad coupon, limit 2
Fresh Signature Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast on sale $1.88/lb – value pack, limit 2
USDA Choice Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak on sale $4.99/lb – value pack, limit 2
Cooked Shrimp (51-60 ct) on sale $4.99/lb – limit 2
Strawberries (2 lb) on sale $2.47 – limit 2
Blueberries (18 oz) on sale $2.47 – limit 2
Value Corner Milk (gallon) on sale $1.99 – with weekly ad coupon, limit 4
Lucerne Butter (16 oz) on sale $1.99 – with weekly ad coupon, limit 4
Yoplait Yogurt (4-6 oz) on sale $.39 – with weekly ad coupon, limit 12
Lean Cuisine or Stouffer’s Classic Entree on sale $1.87 – with weekly ad coupon, limit 4
Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Popcorners, Oreo Cookies, Ritz Toasted Chips on sale $1.77 – when you buy 3, limit 6, mix & match
Signature SELECT Ice Cream (1.5 qt) on sale Buy 1 Get 1 Free – mix & match
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Dough Chunks on sale $2.99 – with weekly ad coupon
Buy 1
Use $1/1 coupon from save 5/21 insert
$1.99 after coupon
Oscar Mayer Fully Cooked Bacon on sale $3.99 – with weekly ad coupon
Kraft, Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce or Heinz Mustard on sale $.99 – with weekly ad coupon
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish (4-8 oz) on sale $1.49 – with weekly ad coupon
Kraft Salad Dressing on sale $1.49 – with weekly ad coupon
Ore-Ide Potatoes or Tots (19-32 oz) on sale $2.49 – with weekly ad coupon
Avocados on sale $1
Yellow Mangos on sale $1
Ditez & Watson Homestyle Turkey Breast on sale $5
Cucumbers on sale $.50
Sweet Corn on sale $.50
Donuts (8-14 ct) on sale $5
Jennie-O Fresh Ground Turkey (85% lean) on sale $5
Wild-Caught Sea Scallop Pieces (16 oz) on sale $5
Waterfront BISTRO Shrimp Ring (6 oz) on sale $5
Signature SELECT Chiken Nuggets (48 oz) on sale $5
Bandon Medium Cheddar Cheese (2 lb) on sale $5
Del Monte Family Pack Fruit Cup Snacks (12 ct) on sale $5
Lucerne Large Eggs (5 dozen) on sale $5
Cat’s Pride Cat Litter (10 lb) on sale $5
Red Baron Single Serve Classic Pizza or Melt on sale $2.50 – when you buy 2
Signature SELECT Bath Tissie (6-12 rolls) on sale $5
Signature SELECT Paper Towels (2-6 rolls) on sale $5
Safeway doubles many coupons in Oregon & SW Washington Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to 50¢ each. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Find more Safeway deals here.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
The 10 off 50 Safeway coupon seems to have disappeared for clipping online. I know I clipped it on Wednesday and it was in my account. But today I was at the site making a list and checked to ensure it was there and it’s gone. It usually shows up in the Special Offers category when you view your coupons.
The one I loaded is still on my list. I suggest calling Corporate Customer Service.
Anybody else having trouble finding the Monopoly giveaway stuff: dental floss, water crackers, nail clippers