Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
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Thursday (11/16) Bob’s Red Meal Flour (5 lb) on sale $1.99 – with digital coupon, limit 2
Friday (11/17) Signature Kitchens Sugar (4 lb) on sale $.99 – with digital coupon, limit 2
Saturday (11/18) Lucerne Butter (16 oz) on sale $1.99 – with digital coupon, limit 2
Sunday (11/19) Sara Lee Pies on sale $.99 – with digital coupon, limit 4
Monday (11/20) O Organics Broth (32 oz) on sale $.99 – with digital coupon, limit 4
Tuesday (11/21) 7-UP, A&W, or Sunkist (2 liter) on sale $.69 – with digital coupon, limit 6
Wednesday (11/22) Nabisco Snack Crackers on sale $1.25 – with digital coupon, limit 4
Signature Farms Whole Frozen Grade A Turkey (12 – 24 lb) on sale $.39/lb – with min purchase of $50 (not including turkey)
Signature Farms Fully Cooked Shank or Butt Half Ham on sale $1.49/lb
Jennie-O Fresh Whole Turkey on sale $1.39/lb
Halos Clementine Mandarins (3 lb bag) on sale $3.49
Celery on sale $.88/lb
Pineapple on sale $3
Green Beans on sale $1.99/lb
Starbucks or Tazo Latte K-Cups on sale $5.99
Starbucks Coffee Bags (10 – 12 oz) on sale $5.99
Nabisco Snack Crackers on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 11/5 SS insert
Use Safeway Double (-$.50)
$1.05 each after coupon & double
Keebler Club and Town House Crackers on sale $1.67
Keebler Chips Deluxe, Sandies, and Fudge Shoppe Cookies on sale $1.67
Doritos, Frito-Lay Baked, Kettle, Sun Chips, and Tostitos Chips on sale $1.88 – when you buy 4, limit 8
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-UP, A&W, Sunkist, Dr. Pepper, and Soleil (12 pk) on sale $2.69 – when you buy 4, limit 8
Sara Lee Pies on sale $2.99
Buy 1
Use $1/1 coupon from 11/12 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.49 after coupon & double
Simply Lemonade (89 oz) on sale $2.50 – limit 4
Simply Orange or Fruit Juice (59 oz) on sale $2.50 – limit 4
Nestle Coffee-Mate Creamer on sale $1.99 – limit 4
Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping on sale $1.99 – limit 4
Safeway 11″ Harvest Pies on sale $7 – found in the bakery
Fresh Boneless Pork Loin Roast on sale $1.99/lb
USDA Choice Fresh Beef Ribeye Roast on sale $7.99/lb
Foster Farms Fresh Whole Turkey on sale $1.99/lb
Butterball Fresh Whole Turkey on sale $1.99/lb
Wild Caught Sockeye Salmon Fillets on sale $8.99/lb
Lobster Tails on sale $4.99
Jimmy Dean Sausage Roll (16 oz) on sale $3
Nabisco Cheese Nips on sale $1.25
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 11/5 SS insert
Use Safeway Double (-$.50)
$.63 each after coupon & double
Green Bean Casserole Bundle (French’s Friend Onions, Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup, and two cans of Del Monte Green Beans) on sale $5 – when you buy all 4
Lucerne Cream Cheese on sale $1
Cool Whip Whipped Topping on sale $1.50
Kraft Salad Dressing on sale $1.99
Signature Kitchens Pasta on sale $.79
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes on sale $1.25
Buy 2
Use $.50/2 coupon from 11/12 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.75 each after coupon & double
Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken Soup on sale $.79
Buy 4
Use $.80/4 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.47 each after coupon & double
Swanson’s Broth (32 oz) on sale $1.99
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon from 10/1 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.24 each after coupon & double
Value Corner Milk (gal) on sale $1.99 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 2
Lucerne Large Grade AA Eggs (18 ct) on sale $1.50 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 2
Lucerne Butter (16 oz) on sale $2.50 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 2
Tillamook Medium Cheese (2 lb) on sale $5.99 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 2
Russet Potatoes (5 lb) on sale $.69 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 4
Yellow Onions (3 lb) on sale $.69 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 4
Fresh Ground Beef (93% lean) on sale $2.88 – with weekly ad or digital coupon, limit 2
General Mills Chex Cereal on sale $1.67
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon from 10/8 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.17 each after coupon & double
Half Rack of Ribs on sale $5
USDA Choice Fresh Beef Top Sirloin Steak on sale $5/lb
Wild Caught Alaskan Cod Fillets on sale $5/lb
Lucerne and Open Nature Sour Cream (16 oz) on sale $1.25
Pepsi Brand 2-Liter on sale $1
Nabisco Ritz Toasted Chips on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 11/5 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.05 each after coupon & double
Pepperidge Farm Stuffing on sale $2.50
Puffs Facial Tissue on sale $5
Buy 1
Use $.50/1 coupon from 10/25 PG insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$4 after coupon & double
Bounty Paper Towels on sale $5
Buy 1
Use $.25/1 coupon from 10/29 PG insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$4.25 after coupon & double
Hefty Trash Bags on sale $5
Buy 1
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.50 after coupon & double
Signature Home Plastic Wrap and Aluminum Foil on sale $1.67
Safeway doubles many coupons in Oregon & SW Washington Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to 50¢ each. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Find more Safeway deals here.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
On Just4U, I have a q for Mrs. Cubbison’s Croutons for .99 ea that says its a one time store coupon. No limit is given. SW Customer Service (after waiting over 15 minutes) was unable to tell me if there is a limit. Does anyone have any experience with this type of q? Thanks!
P.S. Customer Service did tell me the .50 butter q was for 1 only.
I did this same deal a couple weeks ago, and both pkgs came in at 99 cents. Want to pay less, as I did? Go to thanksgivingtips dot com, enter the sweepstakes, then be taken to the cpn page. Print a $1/2 cpn for the croutons and pay as little as 24 cts each IF your store doubles printables as mine does. You can enter daily, but after you’ve printed the cpn once or twice, you’re shut off. Good luck!
Thanks, Howard! You are a good couponer. I have that q and was hoping to use it.
I found .50 mfq for Lucerne butter on Just4U. I hope it will work with the $1.99 sale.
.50 q NLA. I didn’t notice the end date. 🙁
Well, this was interesting. Wonderful hubby bought the butter and the .50q was taken off. Yea!
Evidently you have to load the daily deals to your card that same day. For instance, the Bob’s flour on sale today only is listed under condiments, spices and baking on the J4U page.
There was a $.50/1 Betty Crocker potatoes cpn on the Betty website last week which may or may not still be there. Cpns reset on Thursday, so it might not be there tomorrow, or it may renew. Must login/register, limit one print.
They say “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee,” but there was no Sara Lee pie cpn in my 11-12 RP mailer. 🙁
Howard, you get RP coupons in mail? I haven’t had a RP coupon book for a while now.
Yes, for a year or more now, along with the Safeway and Albertsons ads and a few others. It’s the same one that’s in the Sunday paper, except many papers incl the Oregonian have stopped carrying it. SS may be heading in that direction because of coupon theft by hoarders and those who sell cpns.
There’s an excellent article about RP and SS on the couponsinthenews website. (In the lower right corner, click on Oct 12 to find the article.)
No Sara Lee here in SE PDX, either. What have they got against us?
Somebody doesn’t like Sara Lee, evidently.