Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Limes on sale $.20
Chex Mix on sale $.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.50/1 coupon or $.50/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
FREE after coupon & double
Larabar on sale $.99
Use $.50/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
FREE after coupon & double
Balance Bar Singles on sale $.99
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon from 8/3 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.24 each after coupon & double
Barilla Pasta on sale $.79
Buy 2
Use $.55/2 coupon from 9/7 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.27 each after coupon & double
Yoplait Yogurt Cups on sale $.50
Buy 6
Use $.40/6 coupon from 9/21 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.40)
$.37 each after coupon & double
Precious Galbani String Cheese on sale $2.99
Use $1/1 coupon from 8/17 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.49 each after coupon & double
Tillamook Cheese Slices on sale $3
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.50 each after coupon & double
Dannon Greek Frozen Yogurt on sale $2.50
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1 each after coupon & double
Nature Valley Chewy Granola Bars on sale $1.79 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.50/1 coupon from 9/28 SS insrt
Use Safeway double ($.50)
$.79 after coupon & double
Chinet Plates on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $1/1 coupon or $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double ($.50)
$.49 after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Grapes (3 lb) on sale $5
Mission Tortilla Chips on sale $1.67
El Monterrey Burritos on sale $1
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.25 each after coupon & double
Frosted Flakes on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.92 each after coupon & double
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $1/3 coupon from 9/7 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.17 each after coupon & double
Luv’s Diapers on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link or $.75/1 coupon from 9/28 P&G insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.50 after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to $.50 each. Safeway is inconsistent from store to store about doubling internet printed coupons. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Safeway stores are inconsistent from store to store with their double coupon policy. The following is taken directly from Safeway’s Just4U coupon policy on their website:
Check with your local store regarding “double coupon” promotions where customers will receive double the manufacturer coupon face value off the regular or club card price up to the identified limit. Not all locations offer double coupon promotions and the terms of such promotions may differ by time and store. Limitations and restrictions for double coupon promotions may change at any time. Changes will be posted in store only. “Double coupon” promotions do not apply to any internet or digital coupons except for applicable internet printed manufacturer coupons. These explanations and restrictions on “double coupons” apply to any promotion that increases the value of a manufacturer coupon beyond its face value.
Questions about Safeway’s Just4U Personalized Deals program? Go here for our Just4U Program Guide. New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
Does anybody know if the Barilla pasta deal includes gluten free variety?
Prob not. Whole grain seems to be included, though.
Everyone, I currently work for Safeway in Portland. I recently moved from the Oregon City Safeway. I questioned the doubling cpn policy with Safeway in general. If you look on Safeways website and scroll clear to the bottom it shows their policies with cpns including doubling. Here is what I found so if anyone ever says that their store does NOT infact double the internet refer them to their own website to look up their own policy. Check out #20….
Internet Printed Coupons:
14. We accept internet printed coupons. The same manufacturer and store coupon rules above apply to all internet printed coupons.
15. Internet printed coupons must be capable of scanning at checkout.
16. Internet printed coupons must have serial numbers and must follow an industry-standard format.
17. Manufacturer internet printed coupons must clearly indicate that they are a manufacturer coupon and must have a valid manufacture address on the printed coupon.
18. We will not accept “free product” internet printed manufacturer coupons.
Load to Card Club Coupons:
19. Internet and digital coupons that have been electronically loaded to a Safeway Club Card are automatically redeemed at the time of purchase after the club card number has been entered. All other coupon policies above apply to electronic coupons that are loaded to a club card. Internet and digital coupons electronically loaded to a Safeway Club Card are not included in any operative “double coupon” or other increase in coupon value promotion. Coupons are not accepted on online shopping orders made on, except Internet and digital coupons that have been electronically loaded the ‘Safeway Club Card’ being used for that order.
Doubling of Coupons:
20. Check with your local store regarding “double coupon” promotions where customers will receive double the manufacturer coupon face value off the regular or club card price up to the identified limit. Not all locations offer double coupon promotions and the terms of such promotions may differ by time and store. Limitations and restrictions for double coupon promotions may change at any time. Changes will be posted in store only. “Double coupon” promotions do not apply to any internet or digital coupons EXCEPT for applicable internet printed manufacturer coupons. These explanations and restrictions on “double coupons” apply to any promotion that increases the value of a manufacturer coupon beyond its face value.
…..NO store should ever tell you that they cannot double the online internet printed cpns. If they do say NO, mention that they are required to find a way to say “YES”. Also mention that it is their job to provide Great Customer Service. It’s our policy!
Yeah… Policy #20… Clear as mud. 🙂
That #20 is well known to those of us who read the Safeway page regularly. It’s somewhat ambiguous and self-contradictory. I thought the same language was on the Doubler, but it may have been changed, because the one for this week CLEARLY states that internet coupons are NOT subject to doubling. I looked at it just last night. But I know your store and some others double them anyway.
My store in Redmond has always doubled my internet coupons. I’ve never had a problem.
just wanted to address the “doubler” comments:
1) i agree with “Another Jennifer”- we all appreciate flnw website and the valuable deals it posts, but when it’s incorrect and someone notices and reports it, it would be helpful for others so that they save time by not making wasted trips thinking that the deals work.
2) as far as providing safeway stores that double: i have gone to about 8 different safeways throughout the city regularly (i’m a rep so i drive a lot anyway) and i assure you, that this discrepancy between their store policy and the doubler written coupon policy–is not dependent on the store. it is dependent on the CASHIER. One safeway cashier honors the doubler on internet coupons while another cashier in that same store will not. it is inconsistent. i wish i can list the safeways where they will accept, but it’s the cashier. i’ve noticed that the more tenured cashiers–will not double while the newer ones do. safeway in oregon city, i find, have more cashiers that will accept them than not. that’s just my experience.
Ah! Good info! So it sounds like it is a training issue with the newbies in most of your instances. I suppose it would be taking things a little too far if we listed, “go to the Oregon City Safeway, find little blonde Mary (NOT big brunette Mary), she usually works in the mornings Wed-Sun except Fri; she ALWAYS doubles my coupons.” 🙂 Lol! Kind of verges on stalking.
Nice little haul today (yes, my nearest store generally doubles digital cpns). 2 boxes Barilla pasta; 2 bags Chex Mix; 1 Larrabar. Paid 6 cents. (I used the $1/2 Barilla cpns from the online match game).
If the doubler is not valid for printed internet coupons, how are any of these deals possible? The Tillamook coupon for example, is a printed internet coupon from their webpage. Same thing with the Larabar. Has anyone had any issues with Safeway accepting the doubler on these printed coupons?
This is the same question I have…
At the bottom of these deals you specify that you can’t double an internet printable yet you continue to list those deals that use a printable with the doubler coupon added on (making something FREE when in reality it can’t be doubled)
Some stores (not mine-but I have heard reports) will double them. Really it is up to the store-as it is their discount.
My Safeway in Albany has never doubled internet coupons. It frustrates me that the Doubl’r clearly states in writing that internet coupons will not be doubled, but this site continues to post deals based on a rumor that a few stores in the Portland area will double them. And this question comes up almost weekly when the Safeway deals are posted! For the sake of new readers, the authors of the Safeway deal posts should represent the deals accurately, per written coupon policy, and not based on rumors. I believe that any Safeway casheir that reads the policy as written on the Doubl’r is correct to refuse to double internet printed coupons.
Please Frugal Living NW authors, quit making commenters correct and clarify your work! We want to read about accurate deals, not deals that don’t apply to Oregon or Washington; that aren’t hypothetical best-case scenarios of a rumor that contradicts a written coupon policy; or those that use coupons that are expired. This site is better than this, and has been better than this! Let’s get back to posting accurate deals for the NW region!
As a shopper trying to stretch my budget I am very grateful for the deal posts and match-ups each week. Do all deals or match-ups apply to me, no. However I can appreciate the effort and energy that goes into the posts and FLNW shares them with us Free.
Each store is aware of the Safeway coupon policy but the management of each store is able to customize it according to needs of the community that it serves. My store has always doubled all coupons except blinkies, I know the Manager is aware of what the doubler says, and what the policy says but as he told me he is the Manager and this is the policy at this store in this community because this is a way he can best serve his customers.
Please if you have a problem with the store policy talk to the management at that store. The ladies of FLNW don’t make the policy and are only trying to share information to a wide range of readers with each post.
I honestly didn’t mean for my comment to sound like I was bashing FLNW. I do appreciate what they do since I don’t have time to do it. 🙂 I’ve just confused for while and decided to ask when I realized I wasn’t the only confused one. I didn’t realize that some Safeway’s actually will double it as mine will not.
Bridget K-
Anyone that is a reader of FLNW, is also a customer, and as a customer I get to give feedback about the “product”. Each link I click through, each auto-ad that plays in the sidebar and each post about products that are specifically promoted on this site are generating an income for these “ladies”, as you call them. I’m requesting a focus back on posting accurate deals to prevent readers from expending energy and money going to stores expecting one deal and finding a different deal, or no deal altogether. As a long time reader, it appears that postings are getting a little sloppy lately.
It would be appreciated that if a deal is found to be inaccurate by commenters, the original post was corrected by the author to reflect this finding. This could be done by striking through the original deal and/or adding parenthetical remarks. These inaccurate deals should not be reposted later on this site under a “Best of…” post either. And authoring deals with coupons that are not expired should be rule #1 on a coupon site.
This site is a business, Bridget K. Too often women (in particular) confuse feedback with negative personal criticism. My comments are not personally directed at the ladies of this site, but rather at a trend I’ve noticed with a lack of accuracy and proof-reading. If a question comes up weekly in comments that the readers have to answer over and over again, it would make sense for the author to adjust their post or clarify a scenario. That’s just logical business!
All of the stores in my area (eugene/Springfield) have always doubled IPs. So it’s not just a “few rumored” stores in Portland. It looks like the policy and subsequent changes have already been discussed here a bunch, but just do people know that the reason they post scenarios with doubled IPs is because there are and have been many stores and areas that double them without issue.
I have updated the explanation at the end of the Safeway post about doubling coupons. The policy for doubling internet printed coupons has changed recently due to the wording in the coupon policy on Safeway’s website. Safeway is admittedly inconsistent with double coupons. Until they have a hard wire set in stone policy some of these deals will not work for a number of our readers. I’m doing my best to service the majority but some readers will have to adjust these deals to fit what works at their Safeway. Please read the explanation above (at the bottom of the post) for more details.
Fantastic and quick response Brittany! Thank you.
Wouldn’t it be great if other readers that had success with doubling internet printed coupons chimed in with the store location for the rest of us? Unless this was somehow against FLNW policy, adding a list of stores that have been known to do this to the end of the post would potentially help more of us find a better deal.
Everyone here makes some very valid points., until a few months ago, used to publish two Safeway postings a week–one with double cpns, one without. Even so, there was still some controversy over whether digital cpns should be shown as able to be doubled. Very recently, based on readers’ comments, all mfr cpns were listed as doubles in the weekly Safeway list. This engendered another controversy over Safeway Cpn Policy #20. It is somewhat ambiguous, and some people take it to mean that internet cpns are supposed to be doubled, even though the Doubler itself states they should not. (It also states 4 different products, but that’s rarely enforced.) Some stores allow their cashiers to double all cpns, even those that read Do Not Double; at others, only certain cashiers will double all kinds. I think the FLNW Safeway weekly listings should not include a net price that includes doubling of an internet cpn, with a notation each week that some stores and cashiers WILL double them. That should put to rest all criticism and controversy, and readers who like to post comments can revert to “bragging” about how their store/cashier doubled their printables.
Stayton hours 6am to midnight daily
Sunday at Safeway I was told they changed their doubler policy to 4 different coupons and not just 4 coupons. Has anyone one else come across this?
I read the doubler and I think they are just interpreting it incorrectly. It says on 4 different products, but I think they are trying to infer only one manufacturer coupon per product. Bummer- I would call customer service hotline and have them call and correct your store. I am sure they are wrong.
I think they are interpreting it incorrectly also, but I have ran across this with a few cashiers in the past year.
Facebook has a barilla pasta coupon. $1/2 barilla pasta, if you play a quick matching game….. emailed to you within 24-48 hours!!
Aha, you beat me to the punch on posting that info! You also can access the match game thru, thru Oct 31. I believe they will allow you win 9 cpns between now and then, no more than one play per day per email address. Also, you don’t win a cpn every time you play.
We’ve got the $10 off $50 coupon in the paper this week. 🙂
Do you give that first or last after coupons
Your total must be $50 after all other safeway coupons have been applied, but the $10 and other manufacturer coupons can reduce your total down below $50.
cry! I missed it!