I’m heading out this morning to Target to check out the deals and the Easter clearance but wanted to let you know about this sweet offer first.
Glad Mini Round Containers on sale $3.49
Use $1/1 coupon
Use 50% off Cartwheel coupon — limit 1
$.74 after coupon Cartwheel
Print off these candy coupons too for Easter clearance.
Find more Target deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Target coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
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I love these for making up means for the baby-while she’s mostly onto table food some things aren’t so baby friendly (kind of hard to eat steak with no teeth, we like spicy things, etc) and so I premake some toddler dinners (butternut squash mac and cheese with broccoli is my main one) and the little rounds are the PERFECT size to freeze a dinners worth.
Great idea and they have several in stock at the Mall 205 store.