CATALINA: A coupon you get with your receipt at the register; usually triggered by a specific item that you purchased
Now that you have mastered Grocery Store Catalinas, let’s move on to Walgreens. Catalinas at Walgreens are called Register Rewards. A Register Reward (RR) prints when you purchase either a certain dollar amount of product or group of participating products or a certain number of products and is good for a certain dollar amount off your next purchase.
Register Rewards print and function just like Grocery Store Catalinas, but, like everything Walgreens, is a bit… funkier.
These deals are usually promoted in the weekly ad, though sometimes they run for a longer period than indicated in the ad. For instance, sometimes a RR deal runs for an entire month, but is only advertised in one weekly ad. Even though a product is not tagged in the store, the RR will print.
You can use a manufacturer’s coupon on a RR deal to lower your out-of-pocket (OOP) cost. Example:
Colgate Toothpaste on sale $4.49
Buy 1, Get $4.49 Register Reward
Use $1/1 coupon
Pay $3.49, Get $4.49 RR
FREE with $1 overage after coupon & RR
Obviously, it’s not really “free” because you’re getting what amounts to a Walgreens gift card (with more restrictions) rather than cash. But we consider it “free” if you are using your Register Rewards strategically (more on this later).
Register Rewards do not roll to an identical RR deal. This is the big difference between Walgreens cats and grocery store Catalinas. This means that, say, you use the Colgate RR to pay for your next Colgate RR deal — the RR will not print. The register will allow you to pay for the second transaction, but you won’t get another RR. Example:
Transaction #1:
Colgate Toothpaste on sale $4.49
Buy 1, Get $4.49 Register Reward
Buy 1
Use $1/1 coupon
Pay $3.49, Get $4.49 RR
Transaction #2:
Buy 1 Colgate
Use RR from transaction #1
Pay $0, but no RR prints
You can roll RRs from one RR deal to different RR deal — use the RR from transaction #1 to pay for another RR deal and the second RR will print. Example:
Transaction #1 is the same.
Transaction #2:
Gillette Fusion Razor on sale $9.99
Buy 1, Get $5 RR
Use $4/1 coupon from 12/26 P&G insert
Use $4.49 Catalina from transaction #1
Pay $1.50, Get $5 RR
Now, you can use the RR from transaction #2 to do a Colgate RR deal and the RR will print.
You must have as many items in your transaction as you have manufacturer’s coupons and a RR counts as a manufacturer’s coupon. Example of a transaction that will not go through:
Buy 2 Carefree Pantiliners @ $1 each = $2
Use (2) $.50/1 coupons (-$1)
Use $1 RR (-$1)
Why won’t it work? You are attempting to use 3 manufacturer’s coupons (2 Carefree + 1 RR) and are purchasing only 2 items. Remember, manufacturer’s coupons must “stick” to an item in order for them to work. You need to add a filler item to this transaction so the RR can stick to something. Example of a transaction that will work:
Buy 2 Carefree Pantiliners @ $1 each = $2
Buy 1 pencil on clearance = $.11
Use (2) $.50/1 coupons (-$1)
Use $1 RR (-$1)
Now the RR will “stick” to the pencil and the transaction can go through.
Register Rewards usually have a two week expiration, which means you have time to be strategic and plan out how you use your RRs.
- Which scenario will yield the least amount spent out-of-pocket?
- What order should the scenarios go in?
The goal of any good Walgreen’s couponer is to spend as little out-of-pocket as possible, even if it means you “buy” some items you don’t use. Brittany has come up with a series of four Walgreens transactions to illustrate this point.
If your RR does not print, you could take it up with your Walgreens cashier or manager or contact the Catalina company directly.
- Phone: 888.8COUPON and press #3
- Email: — make sure you include the store name & address, date & time of purchase, what you purchased, the transaction ID from your receipt and what Catalina you expected to get
Read more from The Ultimate Guide to Couponing in the Northwest here.
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Fred Meyer will accept Walgreens RR too…
My husband was working at the time and told me of this scenario (the $ aren’t correct but the concept is clear…)
Customer bought an lcd tv on sale for $500 and, she also bought 49 $0.05 washers she used 50 $10 wallgreens RR’s and got a tv $2.45.
Like I said the $ amounts aren’t correct, I think she ended up paying $50 or something for the tv and washers but she got a tv for cheap!!!
I am very new to couponing. I’ve been reading your site like mad and decided to head to Walgreens today to take advantage of some of the coupons from the Sunday paper that coincided with the Register Rewards program. The lady was really nice until I asked to do two transactions. She then got a not-so-pleasant look on her face. She gave me my rewards for buying two of the razors on special, then I used those rewards to pay for some other items (eye drops and paper goods) I didn’t realize until I left that she didn’t give me any rewards for the eye drops. 🙁 I also forgot to give her the coupon for the eyedrops – rookie mistake!! Ugh.
Then I went to Albertsons. I had some manufacturers coupons but they did say Fred Meyer on them. I tried to use them and they REFUSED to let me. The cashier got a manager and he said “no way”. I was crushed because they were manufacturer’s coupons – not FM ones. This didn’t let me take advantage of the “twice the value” coupons on THREE items. I was unhappy because I had read here that all stores would take manufacturer’s coupons regardless of what store name was on them. They were being brats, I guess.
But today I still ended up getting $83.29 worth of groceries for $37.67. It would have been much more savings had I not made the mistakes I made today – but I’m happy. Thank you for all your valuable info you have here!!
Ksandra Anderson
Sumner, WA
Are these Walgreens Catalinas (Register Rewards) still not available in Portland? I’ve been avoiding Walgreens, figuring many deals wouldn’t pan out for me. However a local PDX friend did the Splenda deal this last week, and came out fine…?
There is still the point system here but some RR print on occasion. If you know it’s worked for your friend, then it’s probably a go here in pdx
I used my Walgreens RR at Safeway in Springfield OR tonight. The assistant manager said it was fine because they are manufacturer’s coupons.
This will increase my spending at Walgreens, as I see a limit to how much body wash/toothbrushes/makeup I can buy on a weekly basis….would rather roll it into Safeway groceries.
I shop at Salmon Creek Safeway and they will accept the Walgreens RR. When I went to another Safeway, the checker asked the manager and he said it was ok. So each Safeway may vary. So I use most of my Walgreens RR at my local Safeway.