I can’t even tell you how excited I am that Spring is moving into town. I feel like I am coming out of a long winter hibernation, and it feels so good to hear the birds singing and watch the trees changing.
If you are needing a little more inspiration in the menu planning department, check out this past post, Local Produce: What is in season and how to prepare it. It was written for June, but many of the vegetables still apply to this time of year.
Here’s what’s for dinner at my house this week:
Monday — Breakfast for Dinner: Waffles, scrambled eggs, oranges
Tuesday — Black Bean Quesadillas, chips with guacamole & salsa
Wednesday — Quinoa Patties, kale salad, roasted sweet potatoes
Thursday — Beef Stew, rice, fresh fruit
Friday — Dinner Out
Saturday — Simple Roast Chicken, baked potatoes, roasted broccoli
Sunday — Leftovers
Find more great recipes on Frugal Living NW! Find more frugal homemaking posts here. Find past menu plans here.
What are you making for dinner this week? Be sure to leave a link to any recipes in the comments!
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Where did you get the recipe for Black Bean Quesadillas?
No recipe. I just put black beans and grated cheese between 2 corn tortillas and cook in a griddle on both sides over medium heat. Spread guacamole and salsa down the middle, fold in half. So quick and delicious!
This week we are having: homemade vegetarian chili, homemade cheese/olive/green pepper pizza, salmon with rice, homemade black bean soup, vegetarian spaghetti and shrimp with rice.
So curious to know how you use coupons in your grocery shopping. I am a pretty seasoned coupon user and am realizing that as I switch to more “real food” I just don’t have the need for the 5 papers a week as I used too. I shop in the bulk area and try to meal plan around seasonal veggies, I’m also aware of how to use overage and such….just wondering if there is any hints you’ve found to help save. Also, I bought quinoa for the first time, so excited to try it out!
Thanks for the comment, Becky! It sounds like you are doing everything right. I wrote this post in October of 2010: http://www.frugallivingnw.com/tips-tricks/confessions-of-a-reluctant-couponer/ That’s still pretty accurate for the way I shop.
I mostly coupon and shop sales/seasons at Fred Meyer, Target, and produce markets. I mix in New Seasons, Costco, and Trader Joe’s as the month’s budget allows. I try to limit my trips to these stores and stick strictly to my list because I adore all 3 and could drop a serious load of cash if I am not careful.
I pack my freezer and pantry with frozen and canned produce in the summer and cook as much as possible from scratch. We have also cut way back on meat and rely on cheaper protein sources like quinoa, legumes, and eggs. I think when switching to more of a whole foods diet, you just have to be realistic in the budgeting and shopping (and time) department. Real food is more expensive, but I like to think of it as an investment that is important to our family.
This is helpful, thank you so much. I remember reading the post you referenced but it obviously has more meaning to me now. I started out the month with what I thought was a reasonable budget but I’m realizing that much more planning will be involved to make it work. I blame the chicken sale at new seasons but that’s another story=) It will take some tweaking but I will make it work. Thank you for taking the time to reference my question and just so ya know, I bought quinoa for the first time because of you and Melody=)
The New Seasons chickens (and butter) got me, too. 🙂 Hope you love quinoa as much as we do! I definitely prefer it more than pasta or couscous.
Thank you so much for your healthy non meat meal suggestions. We are in the process of switching slowly to more of a plant based diet. You are helping me with simple yummy recipes. Thanks again.
I so appreciate you posting these meal planning ideas. I’m struggling to be better at planning each week so a little inspiration helps. Thanks!