Zaycon Foods, a Northwest company that sells larger quantity boxes of fresh meat, fruit, vegetables, and other food at a volume discount, is coming to the Oregon, Washington and Idaho area in October delivering boneless, skinless chicken breast at $1.89 per pound! They have delivery dates in November right now.
This sale will probably sell out quickly, so jump on this deal if you’re interested. Go here to create your Zaycon account, view delivery options and to purchase your chicken!
Here’s the skinny:
Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless) — (4) 10 lb bags @ $1.89/lb = $75.60
*You purchase 40 pound boxes of chicken (smaller quantities are not available — consider splitting with someone if you don’t want the full box).
Is $1.89 per pound for chicken breast a stock-up price? Absolutely. You may be able to score a deal a bit cheaper than this, but less than $1.84 per pound only happens a couple times a year (note that you may be able to find frozen chicken breasts for a comparable price, but frozen chicken has added water, so you’re actually paying more for the chicken than the listed per pound price). Many of you have commented in the past that Zaycon’s chicken is of better quality than the grocery store and you like the convenience of it, so all considering, this is a fantastic deal.
We have purchased Zaycon’s chicken breast in the past and have been very pleased. The chicken comes in four 10 pound bags, so it’s fairly easy to split with friends and family.
It’s important to note that you will have to “process” the chicken before you cook or freeze it. It takes about an hour for one person to rinse, split the breasts, trim the fat and put the 40 pounds of chicken in freezer containers. It does not look like Foster Farms chicken you buy at Costco straight from the box (but it does after a few seconds of work on your part ). The chicken breast is comparable to grocery store chicken — no hormones or additives, but it is not organic or free range.
Ready to check it out? Just head to Zaycon, create an account and select your preferred delivery locations (I selected a number of Portland area spots since I’d be willing to drive a bit in case the closest location’s delivery date/time isn’t convenient for me) and then purchase your chicken! You can find your local delivery options by clicking “Events” in the navigation bar. Your debit/credit card will be charged now, but the meat will be delivered in October (see the website for specific locations and delivery times).
For those of you who are new to Zaycon, you will go to the delivery location at the specified time, roll through the parking lot and pick up your boxes of meat. You don’t have to leave your car.
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I ordered the chicken for the first time in February, and I was pleased with the quality and the taste. Yes, the breasts are a little large, but at least it’s not from being pumped with hormones! 🙂 Before I placed my order, I did some research on Zaycon. It seems for the most part, their meats are of high-quality, and every once in awhile there’s a rough batch. Such is life. However, if I notice a trend of decreasing quality, I will discontinue using their product.
Their ground beef is also very good. Another deal for those of you interested in ordering–if you order beef right now (like, REALLY right now–deliveries are starting!), you can get your chicken for $1.49/lb in the fall instead of the $1.89/lb. Pretty nifty!
I bought last year and not only were these the size of turkeys, they were tough and tasteless. I contacted the company and the only thing they would do is give me a very, very small 15.00 credit towards another batch of chicken. Are they kidding ? I will never buy from them again, let alone order a batch of something I didn’t like. Oh and they also said, Jumbo chicken breasts are preferred. Maybe I am the odd one here, but jumbo is NOT my idea of a good size breast (for a chicken…hehe )
Ha, nice one at the end 🙂 We’ve heard some people love them and some people don’t prefer their chicken. Like he said, some prefer their brand a size.
Lisa, I had the same experience with my order last year. I was so impressed with the first batch. Then this last batch was just gross. Mushy, stringy chicken. Yuck.
Sorry to hear you had the same experience Nicole! The quality is definitely not there now. I will not order their chicken again for sure. Just happy the dogs aren’t picky about it! 🙂
I ordered from Zaycon for a couple years and told everyone I know that they had the best products. Then last fall I decided to REALLY stock up on chicken and ordered 120 pounds. I was so disappointed in the quality….it was the worst chicken. I will not order it again and I have to wonder if the decrease in quality has anything to do with the fast growth of their business (now that they are in almost every state). 🙁 I am now using the chicken to cook my dog’s meals.
Good price. Safeway often has Eating Right chicken breast on sale @1.99 per pound value pack which is my stock up price.