Need a gift for the person who really has everything? Want to give a gift that is supposed to be thrown (or recycled) when they are finished with it? Give a magazine subscription! It’s really the perfect gift: simple, personal, disposable and keeps giving throughout the year. To give the recipient something to open, buy a current issue at the store and wrap it up!
Eversave is offering $26 worth of magazine subscriptions through Blue Dolphin Magazines for just $12 through tomorrow night (12/3). I bet you could cross two people off your Christmas list with the one Eversave voucher.
Need some ideas? Here are some of our favorite magazines:
Emily’ picks:
- Real Simple — because I always want more of both things in my life
- Sunset — cool articles & beautiful photography of NW gardens, shops, restaurants, homes, destinations, etc.
- Better Homes & Gardens — it allows me to indulge in house-envy without gawking in people’s windows (which annoys my husband) while on walks around our neighborhood
- Taste of Home — I can enjoy it in one sitting with a 3rd-grade level attention span
- Cuisine at Home — my favorite cooking magazine; nice, clean layout & photography
- Fine Cooking — also delish, but a bit fancier/more involved on the ingredients & recipes
- Kitplanes — excellent magazine for people who like, of all things, kitplanes
- Popular Mechanics — popular with mechanics, like my husband
Kate’s picks:
- Family Fun — great kids’ crafts
- Taste of Home — a second vote; must be good
- Healthy Cooking — yummy
- Clean Eating — talks about whole-foods eating
- Backpacker — perfect for the dad who wishes he had enough time to backpack
- Outside — again, an opportunity to dream, right?
Brittany & Angela’s picks:
OK, Brittany & I are errily alike — easily adaptable, so neither of us have any “favorites,” other than All You. Here are some cool looking kid’s magazines. They are not cheap, but with the $26 Eversave voucher, you’re giving the kid something to open and maybe they’ll learn something in the process.
- National Geographic Little Kids
- Ladybug — designed for toddlers, preschoolers and early readers
- DC Super Friends — all about superheros (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc), sans the scantily-clad ladies
- YUM Food & Fun for Kids — recipes and kitchen activities for kids (may just be one more thing to make me feel like a slacker-mom)
Now it’s your turn: What are your favorite magazines? What would your family members love to receive?
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My sister is a military wife stationed in San Diego. She and her husband both grew up in Portland so last Christmas I got them a subscription to Portland Monthly. She loved it. I know it made her sad from time to time but it also brought her that much closer to home without having to be here. If the Eversave deal included Portland Monthly I would DEFINITELY get it.
Wow, this post reminded me that I bought this eversave voucher last time around and never used it! I had a $5 credit so I paid $7 for the $26 voucher. I went cheap and ordered Family Fun, Good Housekeeping, and Woman’s Day. My total was 1.91 after the voucher, so I got 3 subscriptions for about $9 total! Sweet! Thanks so much for sharing this deal! 🙂
I just used my last Eversave deal to buy my son a Thomas and Friends magazine subscription. He loves getting mail and he loves Thomas, two in one! The subscription price is $27 so it’s less than half that with the Eversave deal.
I love Everyday Food and Everyday with Rachel Ray. Also really enjoy Portland Monthly. It really just boils down to I love food.
Mine is everyday food too! 🙂 I have a huge stack next to my cookbooks. They are my go-to for new food ideas.
My favorite way to give magazine subscriptions is to buy those decorative cardboard tubes for wine gifting. They make a perfect container for a magazine and your wrapping is done is a jiffy!