Here are the best deals at Fred Meyer this week. The Fred Meyer ad runs Sunday-Saturday in the Pacific Northwest. Make sure to load any Fred Meyer eCoupons or Cellfire coupons you need to your Rewards Card. Find the full list of this week’s Fred Meyer deals, including a printable list feature, here.
Red Cherries on sale $1.99/lb
*How to can cherries.
Broccoli on sale $.99/lb
Napa Cabbage on sale $.89/lb
Fred Meyer Milk or Orange Juice (1/2 gallon) on sale $1.25 with weekly ad coupon — limit 4
Post Cereal on sale $1.66 with weekly ad coupon — limit 3
Canned Beans, Tomatoes and Vegetables on sale $.50 with weekly ad coupon — limit 8
Silk Pure Almondmilk or Fruit & Protein on sale $2.99
Use $1.50/1 coupon from 6/15 RP insert or here
$1.49 after coupon
International Delight Ice Coffee orCreamer (32 oz) on sale $2 with weekly ad coupon — limit 4
Use $1/1 or $1/2 coupon Fred Meyer eCoupon or $1/1 or $1/2 coupon; $.80/1 Fred Meyer eCoupon (iced coffee)
$1 after coupon
Doritos on sale $2 with weekly ad coupon — limit 2
Use $1/1 Fred Meyer eCoupon
$1 after coupon
Knudsen Simply Delicious Juice (32 oz) on sale $2.50
Use $1/1 coupon
$1.50 after coupon
New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing here.
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For the past 2 weeks FM Cat machines have been taking forever to print or not printing the Catalinas at all.. I have had to go to costumer service everytime…. Pain in the butt when u have 3 kids in tow and ready to get out of the store
There is a print out for Honey bunches of oats, it says redeemable at Walmart…Can you still use it?
You can but you need to make sure it’s the right size. The recent coupon is for the giant size.
When I was shopping at Fred Meyer this morning the MD toilet paper 24 regular rolls were on clearance for $2.47 each. Clearance varies by store and region, but wanted to let everyone know just in case! Thanks for all the you do Kate and crew!
The online coupons that can be used multiple times are considered Fred Meyer coupons, and as such they can not be used with the ad. Single use online coupons are considered manufacturers’ coupons. You need to have your rewards card scanned before giving any paper coupons. At least that’s what they told me at our training class a month ago.
Is the Doritos coupon a Portland-area-only offer? I’m down around Salem and can’t find it to load it to my card. No worries, really; it’s not like we NEED more chips….
Did you click on the snacks category? That narrows the field down to a couple of pages. I found it last night. Haven’t tried it yet to see if they will accept both the paper store cpn and the e-cpn. They’re not supposed to stack, but we’ll see.
The Doritos ecoupon and paper store cpn did not stack for me. The ecoupon makes a better deal. Cashier gave me the store coupon back and said could not stack and customer in line next to me agreed with her/the policy. $1.50 a bag still great deal!
Same for me yesterday. As I mentioned Sunday, the e-cpn would not stack with the in-ad store cpn.
There’s a great deal on the larger size M&M bags-
Buy 3 bags 9.9 oz or larger=$9.00
in-ad coupon 2 for $5.00 limit (2) deducts $1.00
(3) $1.00 off mq coupons 7-13 redplum deducts $3.00
Total price $5.00
receive $3.00 catalina (at least at my store in Vancouver, Wa)
It comes out to .67 cents per bag-almost as cheap as the
much smaller individual size M&M bag.
As I’m sure others will comment, you CAN use a FM price coupon and either a manufacturer paper coupon or ecoupon. You CANNOT use a manufacturer paper coupon and an ecoupon (both for $ off) on the same product.
That may be the official policy, but I tried to do it last week with the All detergent (loaded a $1/1 eCoupon, presented the $2/5 price paper coupon from the ad) and the computer refused to recognize the $2/5 coupon. I gave up and walked away. Safer to use only paper coupons if you have them…
The same thing happened to me! I even went to customer service to ask them to explain and I’m still confused. They told me I couldn’t load the e coupon and use the 2/$5 out of the ad. They stated that the computer system will give you the best price by using one or the other but not both. I guess I’ll see with further transactions how this works….
Thanx for the tip on Doritos. The cpn link led me nowhere. I was able to sign on to my FM acct and download it. It can be used up to 5X in a single transaction; BUT can it be combined with the in-ad cpn? I thought that was a FM no-no. Guess I’ll try it and find out.
Lame! Really? I double checked it. Glad you found it and now you’re bound to report back on it’s success or failure. 🙂
I tired the Doritos deal at FM Hillsboro, it was a no-go. The computer would refuse the 2 for $4 coupon, even after the cashier beeped into some code. However, non-taking that weekly add coupon still works out to $1.50 (they are 2 for $5 on sale – $1 ecoupon).
Thanks, this is what I would have expected, although others swear you can combine.
I ran into the same issue with snuggle last week. The supervisor came over and basically said can’t combine ad and ecoupon. I tried it again and had a different cashier scan ad first then I entered my fm card and it worked. Not sure of the official policy but I got a good price on snuggle 🙂