It’s a new month and there are some rockin’ coupons that have just been released. All are direct links but may be under different zip codes. Change the zip code and come back to these links and they will be clipped. Here are some of the best:
$1.25/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars — this is showing up for some and not there for others. Be sure you look for it.
$.75/1 Multi-Grain Dark Chocolate Cheerios
$.75/1 Food Should Taste Good Chips (my favorite!)
$.75/3 Larabars — zip 77477
$1/1 Hershey’s Spread — new!
$1/1 Pepperidge Farm Cresents, Sweet Rolls or Biscuits — new product!
Head over now to the coupon page to see what other great coupons you can find. We’ll be posting more throughout the day so be sure to check back. Remember, you can typically print two coupons per computer. Find more printable coupons here. Looking for a specific coupon? Search the Frugal Living NW Coupon Database!
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
I think it’s gone…searching under 77477 and only see the .50/2 coupon. Anyone else have a suggestion for a zip to find that awesome coupon?
Also some good newbies at (must be registered, and usually a limit of 2 prints per account): $1/2 Bisquick; $1.10/2 BC Fruit Snack products; $1/8 Yoplait; $1/2 Pills crescent rolls; $1/3 Grands; $1/1 Pills refrig cookie dough; $1/2 Pills sweet rolls; $1/1 several Gen Mills cereals, etc.
While trolling unsuccessfully a few minutes ago for another Planters PB cpn, I found the same cpns as Sienna. My current default zip is 77477 on my profile, so I think I will leave it there for a while (you can input any city such as Portland, show state as TX and zip as 77477 under your profile). I also printed a $1/4 Yoplait yogurt cpn good on orig or lite.
Nature valley coupon is still there under 77477. So is a $1/1 Big G cereal, $1/1 Progresso, $1/1 Go-Gurt, $1.25/1 Totinos and .50/1 Grands
I just printed off the Nature valley coupon using 77477 too! Looks like its still available for now.
The Nature Valley coupon is still there.
Hmmm…were you able to print it at 9:17? Maybe I am doing something wrong?
I found it – thanks!
Nature Valley coupon is 50/2 already.
wow! That was fast. I just printed it.
So sorry Kate – it is still there!