I’m excited to have Cate Sonnenburg from TheLovelyAbode.com share with us about essential oils over the next few weeks. Please read the first posts in this series:
- An introduction to essential oils
- How to treat your seasonal allergies with essential oils
- How to clean your home naturally with essential oils
Have I ever shared with you my own beginnings on this great big oily adventure?
A friend started sharing about how essential oils had helped her family get rid of headaches, knock out the stomach flu quickly, stop nausea, relieve allergies, fall asleep easier, ease stress and anxiety, help acne, stop itching from bug bites, clean our house, remedy sore throat, and on and on and on.
Meanwhile, I was becoming more aware of the everyday toxins we expose our bodies to without even blinking, and thought, “Maybe there is a better way?” So I decided it was time to jump on the oily bandwagon and set out to persuade the husband. I’ll admit it. I love negotiating/persuading. So when it came time to talk to my husband about essential oils, I excitedly told him about all the ways oils have helped other people and how we could use them to help eliminate toxins in our home (and bodies!). To be honest, I saw no room for any other response besides a resounding “Let’s do this!” Picture me in a 1940’s dress, pearls and heels, talking over a candle lit dinner, big band music playing as we eagerly raced to the computer to order, smiling at each other, laughing even, both bursting with excitement for a new natural life together. Silly little me.
Did I mention my husband is in the medical field? That sure puts a spin on things of this nature. Our conversation ended with him saying he would prefer not to but if I really wanted to try them, I could. Usually when I get this type of response, I opt not to, because life is so much happier when everyone is fully on board. Alas, it was the last day of a promotion and I wanted in on it, so I took his halfhearted approval and jumped. I made an account, selected my premium starter kit, and confirmed. The minute I pressed that button, I was simultaneously filled with excitement and fear. Excited to try these notorious oils out for myself, and fearful that I just spent money on something that might or might not work for us.
Fast forward a month to my husband complaining of a sore back. I can’t remember if it was work related, if he slept funny, or hit the gym too hard. All I know is that I could hardly contain my excitement. I reached for this oil called Panaway and my dropper of olive oil, and put a couple drops of each on his back. Within minutes, he felt so much better! He couldn’t believe that the “crazy oils” actually worked. I sat back, beaming with pride. Nowadays, you will find him trying new oil combinations in the diffuser, reading scientific studies, and requesting new oils for me to order (over candlelit dinners with big bad music playing, as we laugh and smile and soak in our natural beautiful life, of course).
I totally have Panaway to thank for winning him over! Anytime either of us, or anyone around us, are sore, we grab the Panaway aka Pain-away (as we like to call it). Just the other day a friend’s finger hurt really badly (she thought it was arthritis related). She put a couple drops of Panaway on and within minutes, the pain was gone. This happens all the time to us and while it isn’t a magical cure-all/end-all kind of thing, it sure helps us stay feeling good in a natural way without any side effects. Who wouldn’t want that!?
Here are just some of the ways we have used Panaway:
- Rub across lower back if you feel discomfort from sitting in front of a computer
- Apply to stressed muscles or other physical discomforts
- Apply on your temples to ease minor head tension
- Apply topically after an injury to reduce swelling and bruising
- Massage on sore muscles after a tough workout
- Dilute and massage on location to ease growing pains
- Apply on location to ease arthritis and rheumatism discomforts
- Rub a couple drops at the base of the spine or vita flex point of the foot to ease sciatic pains
- Apply to hips of pets to ease pain and promote joint comfort
I honestly can’t say enough about my love for this oil and am confident it will be *love at first drop* for you too! Join us, won’t you? We’ll even set a plate for you at the dinner table, no pearls required.
Are you curious about essential oils, but just don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered! Cate and Angela are hosting an online Essential Oils 101 class on Tuesday, April 28 at 9:00 pm. It’s going to be a fun evening with, of course, PRIZES! We’re still getting all the specifics in order, so make sure you sign up to get the class details emailed to you here:
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
This series appears to be a sales push rather than legitimate, informative & factual information on essential oils.
What does the Panaway smell like?
I can’t use any scented products (even “naturally scented”) because of MCS.
“It helps us feel good in a natural way without any side effects.” Please, please be careful what you are teaching others. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t harm you. I love essential oils and use them on my family. But I also deeply respect them. As one who ended up with horrendous hives from using essential oils, had to go on a high dose of prednisone, and was basically couch- bound for a week while my children watched netflix for hours, I believe that people need to understand the potency of essential oils. They should never ever be used neat and never ingested. Dilute, dilute, dilute!