Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
There is another $10/$50 coupon in the ad!
Honeysuckle Turkey on sale $.49/lb
Hormel Cure 81 Half Ham Spiral Sliced on sale $1.47/lb
Russet Potatoes (10 lb) on sale $.99
Tillamook Cheese (2 lb) on sale $5.99
Refreshe Water (24 ct) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Lucerne Eggs (dozen) on sale $.77 with weekly ad coupon
Pepsi (12 pack) on sale $2.75 when you buy 4
Buy 4
Use (2) $2/1 coupons – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.50 each after coupon & double
Pepsi Zero (12 pack) on sale $2.75 when you buy 4
Buy 4
Use (4) $1/1 coupons – direct link (will need 2 computers)
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.25 each after coupon & double
Edwards Pies on sale $3.99 with weekly ad coupon – limit 6
Use $.50/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$2.99 each after coupon & double
C&H Powdered or Brown Sugar (2 lb) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.40/1 coupon from 11/6 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.40)
$1.19 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Swanson Broth (14.5 oz) on sale $.50
Nabisco Snack Crackers on sale $1.25
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 12/11 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.63 each after coupon & double
Pepsi (8 pack) on sale $2.50
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1 after coupon & double
Reynolds Parchment, Baking Sheets, or Aluminum on sale $2.50
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1 after coupon & double
Safeway doubles many coupons in Oregon & SW Washington Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to 50¢ each. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Your local store may or may not double an internet printable coupon. Please check with your store’s management on how they handle IP coupons.
Find more Safeway deals here.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
There’s a $.75/1 Edwards pie cpn in 12-11 SS (DND).
11-6 SS has Swanson can broth cpn, $.40/4. Only 30 cts each with doubler on Friday.