Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast on sale $1.77
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish on sale $4.99 with weekly ad coupon
Buy 2, Get FREE Halloween candy!
Hunt’s, Rotel, Manwhich, or Rosarita items on sale $.80 when you buy 10
Buy 12
Use (3) Buy 3, Get 1 Free coupons – direct link (Or buy ten and use two coupons)
$.60 each after coupons
Chobani Yogurt on sale $1
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.50 each after coupon & double
Bar S Franks on sale $1.25
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.75 each after coupon & double
Nestle Flipz Pretzels on sale $1.25
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.50 each after coupon & double
Pop Secret Popcorn on sale $2.50
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.75 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Grapes (3 lbs) on sale $5
Dr Pepper (12 pack) on sale $2.50
7 Up (24 ct) on sale $5
Florida’s Natural Orange Juice (89 oz) on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link (zip 46901)
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.50 after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to 50¢ each. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Safeway stores are inconsistent from store to store with their double coupon policy. The following is taken directly from Safeway’s Just4U coupon policy on their website:
Check with your local store regarding “double coupon” promotions where customers will receive double the manufacturer coupon face value off the regular or club card price up to the identified limit. Not all locations offer double coupon promotions and the terms of such promotions may differ by time and store. Limitations and restrictions for double coupon promotions may change at any time. Changes will be posted in store only. “Double coupon” promotions do not apply to any internet or digital coupons except for applicable internet printed manufacturer coupons. These explanations and restrictions on “double coupons” apply to any promotion that increases the value of a manufacturer coupon beyond its face value.
Find more Safeway deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Safeway coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
So I have the 4X gas rewards when you buy a gift card…could I buy a Chevron or Texaco gift card, recieve the 4X points and then use the discount and giftcard at said gas stations? Has anyone does this?
Kelsey, If you look at the details and rules of the deal you can not match these up. It says no gc that would count as cash at safeway, such as visa, amex, mc or safeway cards. Then rule #5 says to Texaco or Chevron GC. Nice try though. Sigh.
I posted this info a week or 2 ago, but I’ll repeat it. Starting today, the Oregonian no longer carries the weekly Safeway ad (although I suspect the Sunday one might continue the 3-day Safeway and Albertson’s ads). The ad now comes in the weekly RedPlum mailer. So if you’re buying the Wednesday paper just for the Safeway ad, save your buck. For me that means only one double cpn instead of 3, but usually there are stacks of ads in the store.
The problem here in Vancouver is, I have yet to see the full ads supplied in the stores. What I find are the partials that do not have the doubler. Although my work gets tons of the mid weeks that I can probably use if needed.
Any good candy match ups for Halloween? What is the best week to buy in? Doesnt have to be Safeway, lately with the change up, I find myself more at Freddy’s
I noticed on J4U yesterday that Safeway is giving free candy up to $2.50 value on a lot of different products. Albertson’s used to have this type of promo all the time, so now that they own Safeway, it might be common.
I saw that Howard. Now i am just looking for Coupons to layer with these deals. Hmm…If you had a coupon for the candy say a $1 off 2. And one was free, it should save the $1 off the other package. Add a coupon to the items you buy to get the candy for free. I know, I’m cheap. Lol
There is a current $1 catalina printing on the flipz. This morning I did the flipz deal, I bought 8 bags total using 4MC and it printed the $1 off 3 bags so not sure how many bags I initially need to purchase to get it to print. Can someone tell me where I can look up current catalina offers? Once I used my catalina on my second order plus MC I got 8 bags for $3 🙂
Sometimes I have been able to find them just by googling. I would add 2015 with it & maybe even October-so you don’t get the old outdated ones.
I’ll try that, thanks
Two more ongoing deals (just checked dates today) are:
–carefree panty liners $1-free with .50 manu coupon 8/23 SS + doubler
–balance bars $1-.25 with 8/2 RP $1/2 coupon + doubler-when you buy 2.