Update: Some of you are finding $5/$30 coupons at your store. Unfortunately, the tag is wrong in the picture. It’s only kicking out a $5 gift card instead of $10. The $10 gift card is for Seventh Generation diapers. I’m compiling deals tomorrow so I’ll let you know the correct price then.
The full list of Target deals will be up a little later but this one is too good not to post now. Get organic diapers for just $3.49 per package! That is a smokin’ price.
BabyGanics Jumbo Packs on sale $9.99 (through 1/11)
Buy 2
Use $3/1 Target mobile coupon (text BABY4 to 827438)
Pay $16.98, get $10 Target gift card
$3.49 each after coupon & gift card when you buy 2
This is an incredible deal for organic diapers. Some have reported finding $5/$30 coupons attached to the packages which would sweeten the deal. If someone finds the in Portland stores please let us know.
Find more Target deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Target coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
Thanks, Hip2Save!
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Also there were a couple pacs left, larger size with the $5 off of $30 coupon on them. Again Clackamas location.
I got these today (2 packs of newborn size), and they only gave me a $5 gift card for my purchase. There were no signs up about a $5 card or a $10 card. Clackamas location.
How do I access the mobile coupons? I tried texting and registered but received a response text saying i’d get 10% off my online baby order.
It will start in the next few weeks but won’t give you the most recent set. I’m not sure why Target does it this way. They will only send you 4 baby text per month and it may or may not include mobile coupons. But now that you are on the list you will for sure get the next set.
That tag in the picture says “Seventh Generation” Diapers.
Thanks for the catch. I didn’t even see that.
No problem! I actually purchased two packs of the Seventh Generation diapers and had a sneaking suspicion the $10 gc was too good to be true so I took a picture of the tag before heading to checkout. Sure enough…it only rang up with a $5 gc, but when I showed picture on my phone of tag, they kindly gave me a second $5 gc.
I went to the Sherwood store and found the $5 off $30 coupon but they didn’t have the gift card signs up. I purchased 3 packs and it only gave me a $5 gift card. I’m assuming it was an error on the $10 gift card and they have since fixed it.
I Found alot of $5 off $30 attached to the diapers at the beaverton hillsdale hwy store in beaverton.