Have you been ever so faithful at taking your reusable grocery bags while shopping in order to reduce the amount of plastic bags you bring home, only to end up with countless plastic bags from the produce section?
I sure have, and I have been looking for an alternative bag for my produce for a long time with no success. There needed to be certain requirements for a produce bag that I just couldn’t seem to find. It needed to be lightweight, see through and have an easy way to close.
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I have about four packages of these in the car! I find new uses for them all the time!! It makes for a very quick clean up for the kids to grap sippy's, garbage and toys that need to make it back into the house!
But thanks SO much for the new use idea!! I can't wait to try it out!
I actually picked these up about 6 months ago for this exact purpose! I also use them at farmers market.
I have ben using these for the same produce for about months now and they work great.
I’ve been reusing the plastic produce bags from the supermarkets. Sometimes they need to be washed after use, but most of the time, they are dry and good to go. I put a bunch of them in one plastic bag and keep them with the reusable shopping bags.
I managed to find the same bags on clearance at Ace Hardware (no dollar tree here!) Anyway, I used them at the store and the cashier loved them. He had no issues with me using them and could easily see the type of produce I had through the bag.
I bought a 10lb bag of organges from Safeway yesterday, and thought- hey- what about reusing the meshlike bag these come in? I didn’t rip through the bag like I usually do, instead I properly untied the top and now I have a sturdy, red, meshlike bag to use again on produce…
just an idea of: reduce reuse recycle
great idea! I have to go to the dollar $ today so I will check for these. I have been wanting some reusable produce bags for awhile but just havent wanted to spend the money.
I don’t see why the store would have a problem. If anything, these might weigh an ounce (or a percentage of one) more and thus, they just made money on you for your choice of bag. Everyone’s a wiinner!!
I found them at my Dollar Tree in Hermiston. They will work great! What a good idea. I too hate throwing away the plastic produce bags each week.
Thanks for the tip! I’ve been wanting to get some reusable produce bags and you can’t beat that price! I picked some up today.
They should be used to people using reusable bags. We’ll let you know if we run into any problems.
I love it, but will Safeway and/or Albertsons accept them?
That’s a great idea – and a great price. We don’t have a DollarTree here so I did a quick search online – I found the same product ranging in price from $1.50 a package to $9.99 per package (all plus shipping of course).
I’ll have to keep an eye out for something similiar!