Every single January I find myself wanting to set fire to the entire house and start over. How about you?
Sounds like it’s time for some decluttering!
I’m so excited to tackle all the extra stuff in my house. Items that we no longer need, stuff that we”ll never use, junk that just needs to go.
But I know myself too well. I’m awesome at starting things, but not great at finishing them, so if I set my goals to high, I’ll give up on the second day.
This means that I’m focusing just on GETTING RID OF STUFF this month. Not deep cleaning or revamping any organizational structures. Just removing the extra items that we don’t need or won’t use.
Would you like to join me in my Clean Out Challenge?
Every day, we’ll be completing one SMALL task with the goal of simply cleaning that area out. It should take about 15 minutes from start to finish because I know that we don’t have hours every day to spend on this.
For instance, the first task is to clean out the refrigerator. That’s it. We’re not scrubbing the shelves or creating a new bin system. We’re just throwing stuff out that is bad or we won’t use.
And I will be actively rejecting the script in my head that tasks need to be “done right” or “perfect” or “totally finished” or I shouldn’t do it at all. Nope. Not today, Jennifer.
I will also push back against the idea that decluttering my house needs to be every single surface and drawer and closet and room to be beneficial. Last week I spent 10 minutes on Pinterest “researching” the best ways to declutter and found so many charts and lists on how to spend 2020 decluttering your entire house. AN ENTIRE YEAR? I gave up on that project before I finished reading the post.
My goal is to work through small areas in my home that are used often and accumulate way too much clutter. I can tackle the closets and the toys and the garage when I have 3 to 89 hours on a weekend.
Now, obviously you can wipe out your fridge if you want and if time allows. But you have full permission to put the usable stuff back into a crumb-filled drawer or a dusty shelf.
If you want to play along:
1. Go HERE to get the daily tasks.
Feel free to edit the calendar make it work with your schedule and how your home is set up.
I’ll be posting my daily updates on Stories.
Now I’m off to clean out my fridge!
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My partner, cat and caravan are out in the back of beyond enjoying the hills and so- no decluttering for a week or two!