Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Safeway’s coupon policy seems to be allowing doubling of internet printed coupons (see #20). If your store is not allowing this you could try printing the policy and pointing it out in your store.
Beef Top Round London Broil or Beef Chuck Steak on sale $2.99/lb
Nabisco Ritz Crackers on sale $1.88
Green or Black Seedless Grapes on sale $1.99
Nabisco Snak Saks on sale $.99 with weekly ad coupon
Chicken of the Sea Tuna (5 oz) on sale $.69
Buy 3
Use $.75/3 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.28 each after coupon & double
Yoplait Greek Yogurt (5.3 oz) on sale $1
Use $.20/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.60 after coupon & double
Go-Gurt (8 ct) on sale $1.50
Use $.35/1 or $.75/2 coupon from 8/3 SS insert or $.75/2 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.35)
$.80 after coupon & double
Chex Mix (8.75 oz) on sale $1
Buy 2
Use $.50/2 coupon – direct link or $.50/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.50 each after coupon & double
Buy 4, Save $4 Promo (Price reflect savings when you buy 4 items, you can mix & match and buy any number over 4)
Nature Valley Granola Bars on sale $1.49
Buy 4
Use (4) $.50/1 coupons – direct link or $.50/1 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.49 each after coupon & double
Cheerios (8.9 oz) on sale $1.49
Buy 4
Use (2) $1/2 coupons – direct link or $1/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.74 each after coupon & double
Cinnamon Toast Crunch (12.2 oz) on sale $1.49
Buy 4
Use (4) $.50/1 coupons or $1/2 coupons – direct link or $1/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.49 each after coupon & double
Cocoa Puffs (11.8 oz) on sale $1.49
Buy 4
Use (2) $1/2 coupons – direct link or $1/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.74 each after coupon & double
Betty Crocker or Motts Fruit Snacks on sale $1.49
Buy 4
Use (4) $.50/2 coupons or $.50/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.99 each after coupon & double
Lucky Charms, Reeses Puffs, or Honey Nut Cheerios on sale $1.99
Buy 4
Use (2) $1/2 coupons – direct link or $1/2 coupons from 8/3 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.24 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Hormel Marinated Pork Tenderloin (18-24 oz) on sale $5
Breyers or Lucerne Ice Cream on sale $2.50
Quaker Granola Bars on sale $1.67
Quaker Life or Cap’N Crunch on sale $1.67
Freschetta Pizza (14.54-30.88 oz) on sale $5
Use $.75/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.75 after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to $.50 each. You may not double a coupon marked with “Do Not Double” or an internet printable coupon. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Questions about Safeway’s Just4U Personalized Deals program? Go here for our Just4U Program Guide. New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
Did the 10$ off 50$ come out this week?
Last week.
The Barbur Blvd (SW Portland) ad continues to run the $10/$50 cpn weekly, and it’s supposedly good at any store. Probably can pick it up at Cust Service counter.
Dumb question and I feel like I should know this but is the $50 before or after coupons?
It’s after all Safeway store cpns and club discounts, but before mfr cpns. Best way to handle it is to hand the cashier the $10 cpn first, then the mfr cpns after that one scans. A few things don’t count toward $50, such as fluid milk products, gift cards, alcohol, postage.
Got it. Thanks, Howard!
The Barbur Blvd ad is also a little bit different. Some things might be cheaper, but some sales might not be in effect. Like I went there once and the chicken breasts were on sale (were regular price at other stores) and pork chops were not on sale (when they were on sale at a different store) I asked the butcher shop and they said it was regional ads. It is handy to check the ads online. I was talking to a checker and she seemed surprised that other safeways didn’t have 10 off coupons every week in their ad.
Does anyone know what variety of Cheerios are included?
The $1.49 Cheerios are your basic yellow boxes; the $1.99 are the Honey Nut. No other flaves listed.
The thing about doubling internet coupons, though is the wording on the doubler coupon itself, which states that “This restriction includes coupons printed from the internet.” NONE of the Salem area stores are doubling the internet ones.
Safeway gives me a headache.
Correct. Despite the insistence of some that Safeway now doubles printables, the language in their Coupon Policy remains ambiguous. It excludes electronic cpns from doubling, then adds “except applicable internet cpns.” And I think that their policy also leaves the doubling option up to each store.
The coupon policy is ambiguous, but the actual doubl’r coupon still states that printed coupons are included in the restrictions for doubling. Not sure how you can argue that. It’s unfortunate, I was looking forward to the better deals.
Thanks, you are right, and I pointed that out a long time ago before we even got into the semantics of Safeway’s corporate coupon policy.
I know it’s a bit of a headache. It seems like more stores in the Portland area are doubling IP’s so I thought I’d start doing match-ups with that in mind. At this point, no matter how I do it, a chunk of our readers are going to have to change the math on some of these because doubling IP’s is so inconsistent.
Just so you know, I don’t blame you guys. You’re doing the best you can with a convoluted and confusing coupon policy that Safeway has unleashed by allowing stores to do their own thing.
I blame Safeway for not being clear and consistent.
Jenna, Maybe you could shop at the Safeway in Stayton, this Safeway never stopped doubling internet coupons. We aren’t to terribly far from Salem.
Oh that’s good to know. It would be a bit out of
my way, since I’m in Dallas, but might be worth it for a stockpiling trip.
I am having trouble with getting the Betty Crocker or Motts Fruit Snacks deal to add up. wouldn’t it come to $.99 each?? What I’m I missing?
1.49 X 4 = 5.96 – 1.00 (2 coupons) = 4.96 – 1.00 (doubler) = 3.96 / 4 = 0.99 each
Your math matches my math!
Good catch. I messed it up. I’ll fix it.
Bought the tuna last night and used a printed coupon. Cashier would not double at first until I pulled the policy out. I think she didn’t want to argue and gave me the double anyway. I think all cashiers should take FNWL coupon classes……
What part of the policy states that they can be doubled?
In the policy right off their web page. It is number 20. It talks about not doubling internet or digital coupons EXCEPT “applicable manufacturers internet coupons”. If I remember right, that is the wording.
I’ve quoted #20 several times on this blog, and I STILL find it self-contradictory. Makes absolutely no sense to me. I suppose we could infer that a printable marked as “Manufacturer Cpn” does qualify for doubling, but it’s still not crystal-clear.
Nice work! If we all do this (politely 🙂 ) then we’ll probably see more and more stores doubling printable coupons!