Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Red Cherries on sale $2.99/lb (These will start to go on deeper sale soon but if you can’t wait this is decent)
Walla Walla Onions on sale $.99
Sweet Baby Rays Barbeque Sauce (18 oz) on sale $.99
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon or $1/4 coupon from 5/18 SS insert
$.49 each after coupon
S’mores Package: Hershey (6 pack), Kraft Marshmallows (8-10 oz), Honey Maid Grahams on sale $6
Buy 2
Use $1/2 Hershey’s coupon from 6/22 SS insert
Use $1/2 Honey Maid coupon from 6/22 SS insert
Use $.20/2 Marshmallow coupon from 6/22 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$1.20)
$8.60 after coupons & doubles
Nabisco Snak Saks on sale $.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.75/2 coupon from 5/18 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.37 each after coupon
Nabisco Snack Crackers or Toasted Chips on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 5/18 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.05 each after coupon
Franz English Muffins on sale $2
Use $1/1 coupon
$1 after coupon
Best Foods Mayonaise on sale $2.88 with weekly ad coupon
Use $1/1 coupon from 6/22 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.38 each after coupon
Original Cheerios on sale $1.99
Use $.50/1 coupon from 6/22 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.99 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Otter Pops on sale (100 ct) $2.50 (I think these are $3 at WinCo? It might be a bigger box?)
Tillamook Cheese (2 lb) on sale $5
Jennie-O Turkey Burgers (48 oz) on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link
$4 after coupon
Nature Valley Chewy Bars on sale $1.67
Use $.50/1 coupon from 6/8 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.67 each after coupon & double
Nabisco Newtons or Belivita Biscuits on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $.75/2 coupon from 5/18 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.05 each after coupon
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to $.50 each. You may not double a coupon marked with “Do Not Double” or an internet printable coupon. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Questions about Safeway’s Just4U Personalized Deals program? Go here for our Just4U Program Guide. New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
Safeway has corn on the cob for $.20 today thru July 5. No limit.
Yes Howard that is correct! I work at the Barbur Safeway store and Lucky Charms and Cheerios 12oz box are only at this location for $.99 LIMIT ONE!! We have run out of them so they are handing out rainchecks!! The reason that it’s only the Barbur location is they are still part of the Grand Opening so our ads run slightly different! Happy Shopping!!
sorry smores deal
I seen a 2.00 coupon in albertsons ad would this work with safeways deal
If it is a manufacturer’s coupon then you should be able to use it.
I saw that cpn earlier and noticed it’s not marked as either a mfr or Alby’s cpn. It has a bar code with no numbers underneath.
The numbers on the smores package don’t quite make sense. It costs more after coupons than on sale.
The s’mores package is $6 for the 3 items. “Buy 2” means buy two packages: two boxes of graham crackers, two marshmallows, two chocolates. After coupons you’ll pay $4.30 for each s’mores package, so $8.60 total.
Thanks for explaining Hope. I love the s’mores deal when it comes around but I hate typing it up because it is so confusing to write out. 🙂
Ah! I see!! Perhaps buy two “sets”? Definitely challenging to explain succinctly!
Yeah, and they’re a mess to eat, too. But worth it.
Free Cheerios at the Barbur/SW Portland store. They are $.99 in my ad for 12-oz size, as are Lucky Charms. LIMIT ONE, although in theory you could get more with multiple trips or a shopping partner. Not a store cpn; just need the $.50 man cpn and doubler.