Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Check your Food Day paper in the Oregonian for the $10/$50 coupon. I got mine today!
Pork Loin Rib (bone-in) on sale $1.49/lb
Wrigley’s or Nestle Valentine Exchange Kit (8.8-13.4 oz) on sale $3
Buy 2
Use $1.75/2 coupon – direct link
$2.13 each after coupon
Thomas Bagels (15-20 oz) on sale $2.50
Use $.55/1 coupon from 1/19 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.45 after coupon & double
Cheerios, Golden Grahams, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch (14-16.2 oz) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
$1.49 each after coupon
Betty Crocker Helper Meals on sale $.99
Buy 3
Use $.75/3 coupon from 2/2 SS insert or Use $.80/4 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.57 each after coupon & double
Palmolive Dish Detergent (25 oz) on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.50/1 coupon from 1/19 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.99 each after coupon & double
Dove Men’s Body Wash on sale $3.49 with weekly ad coupon
Buy 2
Use $2/1 coupon from 1/26 RP insert or $1/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.99 each after coupon & double
$5 Friday
Luvs Diapers (jumbo pack) on sale $5
Buy 1, Get $1 Ibotta offer
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link or $1/2 coupon from 1/26 P&G insert
Pay $4, Get $1 from Ibotta
$3 after coupon & Ibotta offer
Huggies Baby Wipes (3 pack) on sale $5
Use $.50/1 coupon from 1/19 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$4 after coupon & double
Freschetta Pizza (20.28- 30.88 oz) on sale $5
Buy 2
Use $1.50/2 coupon from 1/12 SS insert (DND)
$4.25 each after coupon
Nabisco Toasted Chips (8.1 oz) on sale $1.67
Buy 3
Use $.75/2 coupon from 1/26 SS insert (DND)
$1.30 each after coupon
Scott Bath Tissue (12 double roll) on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon from 1/12 SS insert (if included)
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.50 after coupon & double
Honey Nut Cheerios or Cookie Crisp (11.25-12.25 oz) on sale $1.67
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon – direct link
$1.17 after coupon
Nature Valley Granola Bars (6 ct) on sale $1.67
Use $.50/1 coupon from 1/26 SS insert or $1.25/1 coupon (NLA?) orย $.50/2 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.67 each after coupon & double
Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (20 lb) on sale $5
Buy 2
Use $2/2 coupon from 8/25 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$3.75 each after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to $.50 each. You may not double a coupon marked with “Do Not Double” or an internet printable coupon. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Questions about Safeway’s Just4U Personalized Deals program? Go here for our Just4U Program Guide. New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
The Hormel refrig entrees and marinated pork tenderloins are $5 on Friday. We like both products, especially the loins, which are less than half price at $5. I couldn’t find any cpns for them at, but I went to and found them there under the Coupons heading. $1 off on both the entrees and loins, and usually you can print two of each.
Do you know if the ziploc just 4 u $1 off coupon is a store coupon? I was wanting to use it with a $.75/any 2 plus double to get some bags. Think that’ll work?
If you download it to your card, the My List or My Card page will tell you if it’s a store or mfr cpn. But once you download it, you’re stuck with it and can’t (theoretically) use a paper cpn with it if it’s a mfr cpn. Just so I could answer your question, I added it to my card and it’s a store cpn, limit 2 items.
Ok. Thank you Howard. Just 4 u coupons confuse me!
I was able to get 2 boxes for $1.37 each. ๐
They changed it, if you click on the item a window pops up and will say manufacture(MFG) or store coupon.
Has anyone tried the Don Francisco coffee? It is 2/$5.00 Friday only special and $1.00 off coupon in 1/5/14 ss (?) making them $1.50 each or a $1.00 with double. For that low a price worth trying at least one can.
The Finish price of 2 for $6.99/ea goes thru 02/08/14.
The Finish price of 2/$6.99 ea goes thru 02/08/14.
thx for telling us about $10 off $50 coupon!!!
Safeway has the Finish (60 tab) for 6.99 when you buy 2. Use the 2.15 m/c, then double them. Use the $10/50 (with other items). The finish will come out to .05 a tab – if I did my math right. The Finish sale ends today though. I did this same deal a few weeks ago and added some meat on sale to make up the $50.
Awesome! Thanks!