Here are the best deals at Safeway this week. The Safeway ad runs Wednesday-Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest. Find the full list of this week’s Safeway deals, including a printable list feature, here. Please note that at this time, the list does not include double coupons.
Red or Green Bell Peppers on sale $.50
Tillamook Cheese (2 lb) on sale $4.99 – limit 1
Yoplait Go-Gurt on sale $2
Buy 2
Use $.75/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50) – if your store doubles IP’s
$1.38-$1.63 after coupon & double
La Tortilla Factory Tortillas on sale $2
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50) – if your store doubles IP’s
$.50-$1 after coupon & double
Red Baron Pizza on sale $2.99 with weekly ad coupon
Buy 2
Use $1/2 coupon from 10/5 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$2.24 each after coupon & double
Original Cheerios on sale $1.99 with weekly ad coupon
Use $.50/1 coupon – direct link or $.50/1 coupon from 9/28 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$.99 each after coupon & double
Hershey’s Snack Size Bags on sale $2 (must buy 5+)
Buy 1, Get $1 Snap offer
Buy 6
Use (3) $1.10/2 coupons or $1.60/2 coupons – direct link or $1.50/3 coupon from 9/28 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50) -if your store doubles IP’s
Pay as low as $5.70, Get $1 from Snap
$.78 after coupon & doubles (for Jolly Ranchers if your store doubles IP’s)
Mars Snack Size Candy on sale $2 (must buy 5+)
Buy 1, Get $1 Snap offer
Buy 6
Use (3) $1/2 coupons – direct link or $1.50/3 coupon from 9/14 or 10/5 RP insert or $1/2 coupon from 8/24 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
Pay as low as $7.50, Get $1 from Snap
$1.08 after coupon & doubles
$5 Friday
Red or Green Seedless grapes (3 lbs) on sale $5
Edwards Pies on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon
Use Safeway double (-$.50) – if your store doubles IP’s
$3.50-$4 after coupon & double
Kellogg’s Jif or Froot Loops on sale $1.67
Buy 3
Use $1/3 coupon from 10/5 or 10/26 RP insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50)
$1.17 each after coupon & double
Nabisco Variety Pack (20 ct) on sale $5
Use $1/1 coupon – direct link
Use Safeway double (-$.50) – if your store doubles IP’s
$3.50-$4 after coupon & double
Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (9-20 lbs) on sale $5
Use $3/1 coupon or $2/1 coupon from 10/5 SS insert
Use Safeway double (-$.50) – if your store doubles IP’s
$1.50-$2 after coupon & double
Most of these deals use a Safeway double coupon, which is available at Oregon & SW Washington (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania & Klickitat Counties) Safeways only. You can double up to 4 manufacturer’s coupons per transaction, up to $.50 each. Safeway is inconsistent from store to store about doubling internet printed coupons. The double coupon is found in the weekly ad at the bottom of the middle page and look’s like this:
Safeway stores are inconsistent from store to store with their double coupon policy. The following is taken directly from Safeway’s Just4U coupon policy on their website:
Check with your local store regarding “double coupon” promotions where customers will receive double the manufacturer coupon face value off the regular or club card price up to the identified limit. Not all locations offer double coupon promotions and the terms of such promotions may differ by time and store. Limitations and restrictions for double coupon promotions may change at any time. Changes will be posted in store only. “Double coupon” promotions do not apply to any internet or digital coupons except for applicable internet printed manufacturer coupons. These explanations and restrictions on “double coupons” apply to any promotion that increases the value of a manufacturer coupon beyond its face value.
Questions about Safeway’s Just4U Personalized Deals program? Go here for our Just4U Program Guide. New to couponing? Check out the Ultimate Guide to Couponing.
This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.
Has anyone seen the $10 off $50 this morning? Should I go find a paper
YES!!! Yay! Whoohoo!
Just thought I would throw or there that Charmin and Bounty are a pretty good deal this week at Safeway. If you buy two, save $6. $13.99 each comes, $10.99, then there is $1 of 1 store coupon, and $.75 off two doubled which equals $9.36 for a 24 double pack. $.39 a roll is cheaper then Costco.
The 1.50/3 candy coupon in SS 9/28 expires 10/18 🙁
Be on the lookout for a bright green, square peelie for $1/1 on DiGiorno Rising Crust pizza.
They are $5 – Use with a Double = $3.50
Found them at the Mill Plain/136th Ave Vancouver Safeway (and also at Winco)
Don’t know how much the stuff costs, but 3-count Pop Secret micro popcorn is BOGO, and there’s a $1/1 J4U mfr cpn on page 2 online.
The popcorns were $2.94 each, or $.97 per 3-pack after BOGO and J4U cpn. Not bad, but I usually buy Act II single-packs for $.25 when Walgreens has them on sale.
2-liter Fanta soda is on sale for $.79-must buy 3. There’s a one-time $.25 cpn in the J4U cpn center that probably applies to just the first bottle.
The $3 A&H digital and the $2/1 newspaper cpns are on the Clump & Seal variety, which is likely the 9-lb litter listed in the ad. I think it also comes in a 14-lb size, which may not be included in the $5 special. There is also a $1/1 cpn in the 10/5 SS on any A&H litter, if you prefer the standard 20-lb box. There’s also an in-ad cpn for Fancy Feast cat food for $.50 (limit 24), and a $1/24 paper cpn in 10-26 RP. Somehow I got the SmartSource $3 cpns to print this time. My biorhythms must be on the positive side today.
Last time they had the A&H cat litter on sale for $5 it included the Clump and Seal 14 lb. boxes. I sure hope they are included again this week, I love the stuff!
I think the 9 lb. variety is the natural stuff, made with pine cones or something like that…
And the 14-pounder actually consists of shredded copies of the RiteAid booze ads from the Columbian.
Ha! I knew you would come up with something better than I could!
Glad to know they figured out something productive to do with those dumb ads!
I did well. I had a $1 A&H litter cpn on my J4U that I was stuck with, so I used that on a 20-pounder that made it $4. Used two $3/1 and one $2/1 cpns on the 14-lb Clump-Seals, and doubler, paid $5.50 for all 3, $9.50 for four counting the 20-pounder. Also got two Red Baron pizzas for $2.24 each (she doubled the DND $1/2 cpn). Not my favorite brand, but they have a Hawaiian variety that I haven’t seen before, which is my preferred flavor.
anyone know yet if the $10/50 safeway q is in the paper today?
I finally went in last night around 10pm. NO $10/50 this week. I was so bummed because I had some great Just4U prices I was looking forward to using with the coupon. Oh well. Next week it is.
I thought it might be next week, which figures to be a little slower for them after Halloween.
I I just hope it’s not one of those rare times where they skip a month.
Hmm,, will the $10off/$50 be this week or next?
Also, on the Halloween Candy, ibotta has a 25cent rebate. I tried it this morning, but have to resubmit, my reciept didnt scan well. Be sure to verify the barcodes first. 2 of mine didnt work.
Looks like next week for the 10/50 coupon. I’ve had quite a few bar codes not scanning recently on Ibotta, even with bread and milk…….
Got the ibotta to work when I resubmitted it. I actually purchased the stuff two weeks ago. Nice. They aren’t strict on dates I guess.