Safeway shopping trip with $10/$50 coupon
Check out what I got for $20.17 with my Just4U prices, coupons, and the $10/$50 coupon from the Food Day section of the Oregonian! There are additional coupons (2/$3 avocados) next to the $10 off $50 coupon in the paper so make sure to check those out first. To come up with a scenario make sure you check out these following posts:
Buy 4, Save $4 promotion — this one is HOT
More unadvertised Safeway deals
When using the $10 off $50 coupon make sure your total comes to $50 before coupons. It’s best to bring a calculator or do all your calculating at home. If you’re new to couponing and this seems overwhelming just start with one small coupon deal and don’t go for the gigantic transaction. Check out the Ultimate Guide to Coupoining to learn more about how to save big with coupons.
Safeway doubles most manufacturer’s coupons to to $.50 each in Oregon and SW Washington.
Find more Safeway deals here. Get the exhaustive list of Safeway coupon match-ups with a printable list feature here.
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Does the total need to be $50 before or after Safeway coupons to use the $10/$50?
The $10/50 coupon is after all Safeway store coupons and discounts, but before manufacturer’s coupons. I have had trouble in the past with them wanting to take the manufacturer’s coupons off first, but now I just give them the $10 off first then hand off the manufacturer’s ones after because they are getting reimbursed for those ones and so that is essentially cash to them. Some cashiers just don’t have much common sense and don’t get coupons, which can be frustering.
Perfect explanation Melissa. That’s how I do it too. Some cashiers will put the $10/$50 coupon aside and scan it last, but it still works as long as your total was above $50 before coupons and milk.
Great trip! Thanks for helping me plan it out today! Saved $77! 61% savings! Yippie!
Skye… MOVE! Lol
I still want advice and forgive me if someone posted but I didn’t see it, what do people like me in So. Oregon do to get coupons? Our dumpy paper isn’t worth bird cage liner and the Oregonian doesn’t do mail. Any ideas for me? Live in Douglas Co.
There are coupon services that mail you whole inserts. I don’t use so I’m not sure which ones are good. Does any one else know?
I know that on ebay you can purchase someone’s time to clip a specific coupon you’re looking for. Don’t know if they have whole inserts on ebay though.
I’m in Coos County and have found it’s hard to get coupons also. But I have found that the local grocery stores sell the weekend edition of the Oregonian, so you can find coupons there. Also, The World has the $10/$50 coupon usually on the same day as The Oregonian.
Oh man I completely forgot about the $10/$50 this month. Going to have to postpone my shopping trip while I plan how to use that!
Which day was the $10/$50 coupon in?
It was in the Weds Oregonian FoodDay. May have come out Tues in other sources.
You also have to factor in any J4U %-off items (say the %10 off produce). Makes it pretty hard to keep it down to the penny of your calculations.